Treaties by Tribe Q - S

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 Agreement With The Cherokee And Other Tribes In The Indian Territory, 1865      

Treaty With The Comanche, Etc., 1835      

Treaty With The Quapaw,1818      

Treaty With The Quapaw, 1824      

Treaty With The Quapaw, 1833      

Treaty With The Seneca, Mixed Seneca And Shawnee, Quapaw, Etc., 1867

QUI-NAI-ELT (Also QUI-NITE-‘L)      

Treaty With The Quinaielt, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Quinaielt, Etc., 1855

RICARA (Also ARIKARA; ARICKAREE)   Now Three Affiliated Tribes of Ft Bertold   

Treaty With The Arikara Tribe, 1825      

Agreement At Fort Berthold, 1866      

Treaty Of Fort Laramie With Sioux, Etc., 1851


Treaty With The Rogue River, 1853      

Treaty With The Rogue River, 1854      

Agreement With The Rogue River, 1853 (Unratified)

SAC & FOX (Also SACK, SAUK, SOCK)      

Treaty With The Foxes, 1815      

Treaty With The Iowa, Etc., 1836.      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1804      

Treaty With The Sauk, 1815      

Treaty With The Sauk, 1816      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1822      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1824      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, Etc., 1830      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1832      

Treaty With The Sauk And Fox Tribe, 1836      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1836      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1836      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1837      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1837      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1842      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes Of Missouri, 1854      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1859      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, Etc., 1861      

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, 1867      

Treaty With The Sioux, Etc., 1825      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1789


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Chasta, Etc., 1854


Agreement With The Cherokee And Other Tribes In The Indian Territory, 1865      

Treaty With The Creeks And Seminole, 1845      

Treaty With The Creeks, Etc., 1856      

Treaty With The Florida Tribes Of Indians, 1823      

Treaty With The Seminole, 1832      

Treaty With The Seminole, 1833      

Treaty With The Seminole, 1866

SENECA (Also SENEKA)      

Agreement With The Cherokee And Other Tribes In The Indian Territory, 1865      

Treaty With The Comanche, Etc., 1835     

 Agreement With The Five Nations Of Indians, 1792      

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1784      

Treaty With The New York Indians, 1838      

Treaty With The Seneca, 1802      

Treaty With The Seneca, 1802      

Treaty With The Seneca, 1831     

Treaty With The Seneca, Etc., 1831     

Treaty With The Seneca And Shawnee, 1832      

Treaty With The Seneca, 1842      

Treaty With The Seneca, Tonawanda Band, 1857.      

Treaty With The Seneca, Mixed Seneca And Shawnee, Quapaw, Etc., 1867      

Agreement With The Seneca, 1797      

Agreement With The Seneca, 1823 (Unratified)      

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1789     

 Treaty With The Six Nations, 1794      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1814      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1815      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1817      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1818


Treaty With The Seven Nations Of Canada, 1796


Agreement With The Cherokee And Other Tribes In The Indian Territory, 1865      

Treaty With The Chippewa, Etc., 1808      

Treaty With The Delawares, Etc., 1803      

Treaty With The Seneca, Etc., 1831      

Treaty With The Seneca And Shawnee, 1832      

Treaty With The Seneca, Mixed Seneca And Shawnee, Quapaw, Etc., 1867      

Treaty With The Shawnee, 1786      

Treaty With The Shawnee, 1825      

Treaty With The Shawnee, 1831      

Treaty With The Shawnee, Etc., 1832      

Treaty With The Shawnee, 1854      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1795      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1805      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1814      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1815      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1817      

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1818


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


Treaty With The Eastern Shoshoni, 1863      

Treaty With The Shoshoni—Northwestern Bands, 1863      

Treaty With The Western Shoshoni, 1863      

Treaty With The Eastern Band Shoshoni And Bannock, 1868


Treaty With The Shoshoni-Goship, 1863


Treaty With The Blackfeet Sioux, 1865      

Treaty With The Hunkpapa Band Of The Sioux Tribe, 1825      

Treaty With The Sioune And Oglala Tribes, 1825 (Also Ogallala)      

Treaty With The Oto, Etc., 1836 — Yankton and Santee Bands     

Treaty With The Sauk And Foxes, Etc., 1830 — Medawah-Kanton, Wahpacoota, Wahpeton, Sissetong [Sisseton], Yanckton [Yancton] and Santie Bands      

Treaty With The Sioux Of The Lakes, 1815      

Treaty With The Sioux Of St. Peter’s River, 1815      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1816      

Treaty With The Teton, Etc., Sioux, 1825 — Teton, Yancton and Yanctonies Bands      

Treaty With The Sioux, Etc., 1825      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1836      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1836      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1837      

Treaty With The Sioux—Sisseton And Wahpeton Bands, 1851      

Treaty With The Sioux—Mdewakanton And Wahpakoota Bands, 1851 (Also Med-ay-wa-kan-toan and Wah-pay-koo-tay)      

Treaty Of Fort Laramie With Sioux, Etc., 1851      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1858 — Mendawakanton and Wahpahoota Bands      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1858 — Sisseeton and Wahpaton Bands     

Treaty With The Sioux—Miniconjou Band, 1865 (Also Minneconjon)      

Treaty With The Sioux—Lower Brulé Band, 1865      

Treaty With The Sioux—Two-Kettle Band, 1865      

Treaty With The Sioux—Sans Arcs Band, 1865      

Treaty With The Sioux—Hunkpapa Band, 1865 (Also Onkpahpah)      

Treaty With The Sioux—Yanktonai Band, 1865      

Treaty With The Sioux—Upper Yanktonai Band, 1865      

Treaty With The Sioux—Oglala Band, 1865 (Also Ogallala; O’Galla)     

 Treaty With The Sioux—Sisseton And Wahpeton Bands, 1867 (Also Sissiton)      

Treaty With The Sioux—Brulé, Oglala, Miniconjou, Yanktonai, Hunkpapa, Blackfeet, Cuthead, Two Kettle, Sans Arcs, And Santee—and Arapaho,      

Treaty With The Sioux, 1805      

Agreement With The Sisseton And Wahpeton Bands Of Sioux Indians, 1872 (Unratified)      

Amended Agreement With Certain Sioux Indians, 1873 —  Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands      

Agreement With The Sioux Of Various Tribes, 1882–83 (Unratified) — Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, and Lower Brulé Agencies      

Treaty With The Yankton Sioux, 1815      

Treaty With The Yankton Sioux, 1837      

Treaty With The Yankton Sioux, 1858


Treaty With The Six Nations, 1784      

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1789      

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1794


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The S’Klallam, 1855


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Klamath, Etc., 1864      

Treaty With The Snake, 1865


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855

ST. REGIS      

Treaty With The New York Indians, 1838      

Treaty With The Seven Nations Of Canada, 1796


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


Treaty With The Nisqualli, Puyallup, Etc., 1854


 Agreement With The Five Nations Of Indians, 1792      

Treaty With The New York Indians, 1838      

Treaty With The Oneida, Etc., 1794      

Treaty With The Stockbridge And Munsee, 1839      

Treaty With The Stockbridge Tribe, 1848      

Treaty With The Stockbridge And Munsee, 1856


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855


Treaty With The Dwamish, Suquamish, Etc., 1855

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Shasta Treaties

Home :: Treaties by Tribe :: Treaties by Tribe A-C :: Shasta (Chasta) Treaties

The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (CTGR) consists of twenty-seven Native American tribes with long historical ties to present-day Western Oregon between the western boundary of the Oregon Coast and the eastern boundary of the Cascade Range, and the northern boundary of southwestern Washington, and the southern boundary of Northern California. One of these tribes are the Chasta Indians, now known as Shasta Indians.

Alternate Names / Alternate Spellings: Chasta

The Shasta Indians are a Native American tribe who, prior to contact with Caucasian miners in the mid-1800s, were the prevalent population in northern California and southern Oregon.

The Shasta tribe is not a federally recognized tribe, though the Chasta of Oregon are part of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon. Many former members of the Shasta tribe have since been inducted into the Karuk Tribe and Alturas Indian Rancheria. Current members are petitioning the government to again recognize their tribal status.

Shasta Treaties:

1854 Treaty With The Chasta, Etc.

Shoshone and Bannock Treaties

Shoshone and Bannock Treaties

(Also spelled Shoshoni)

Treaty With The Eastern Shoshoni, 1863
Treaty With The Shoshoni—Northwestern Bands, 1863
Treaty With The Western Shoshoni, 1863
Treaty With The Eastern Band Shoshoni And Bannock, 1868

Famous Shoshone

The Fort Finney treaty of 1786

As colonists and later the Americans, crowded into Native American lands in the Ohio Valley and beyond, large chunks of those lands were usurped from the natives. This story was typical of the many mistreatments foisted upon the Indians. The Fort Finney treaty of 1786 was a prelude to the war for Ohio.