Extinct Tribes R to S
Extinct Tribes, Forgotten Names, or Alternate Names of North American Indians
An alphabetical list of extinct native american indian tribes of the United States starting with R to S.
Each tribal profile explains who they were, where they lived, how they lived, an account of first contact with Europeans, population if known, and a brief explanation of what happed to them.
Links to tribal profile pages are at the bottom of the page.
A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-J | K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R-S | T-V | W-Z
Believed to be Extinct or Absorbed Into Other Tribes
Possibly Extinct? Some May be Canadian tribes? Or Alternate Names?
REDGROUND, (Seminoles,) 100 in 1820, on Chattahoochie r, 12 m. above Florida line.
REDKNIFE, so called from their copper knives; roam in the region of Slave Lake.
RED-STICK, (Seminoles,) the Baton Rouge of the French.
RED-WING, (Sioux,) on Lake Pepin, under a chief of their name; 100 in 1820.
RICARRE, (Paunees,) before 1805, 10 large vill. on Missouri r. ; reduced by small pox.
RIVER, (Mohegans,) S. of the Iroquois, down the N. side of Hudson r.
ROUND-HEADS, (Hurons,) E. side Lake Superior; 2,500 in 1764.
RYAWAS, on the Padouca fork of the Missouri; 900 in 1820.
SACHDAGUGHS, (Powhatans,) perhaps the true name of the Powhatans.
SANKHlKANS, the Delawares knew the Mohawks by that name.
SANTEES, a small tribe in N. Carolina in 1701, on a river perpetuating their name.
SAPONIES,s (Wanamies,) Sapona River, Carolina, in 1700; joined Tuscaroras, 1720
SATANAS, a name, it is said, given the Shawanees by the Iroquois.
SAUKE, or SAC, united with Fox before 1805 ; then on Mississ., above Illinois.
SAUTEURS, or FALL INDIANS of the French, about the falls of St. Marv.
SAVANNAHS, so called from the river, or the river from them ; perhaps Yamasees
SCATTAKOOKS, upper part of Troy, N. Y.; went from New England about 1672.
SEMINOLES have been established in Florida a hundred years.
SENECAS, one of the Five Nations; “ranged many thousand miles” in 1700.
SEPONES, in Virginia in 1775, but a remnant. See SAPONIES.
SERRANNA, (Savannahs ?) in Georgia; nearly destroyed by the Westoes about 1670.
SEWEES, a small tribe in N. Carolina, mentioned by Lawson in 1710. SHALLALAH, 1,200 in 1816, on the Pacific, S. Columbia r. next the Cookkoo-oosee.
SHANWAPPONE, 400 in 1820, on the heads Columbia of Cataract and and Taptul Rivers.
SHAWANE, once over Ohio ; 1672, subdued by Iroquois ; 1,383 near St. Louis in 1820
SHEASTUKLE, 900 in 1820, on the Pacific, S. Columbia r., next beyond the Youitz.
SHINIKOOKS, a tribe of Long Island, about what is now South Hampton.
SHOSHONEE, 30,000 in 1820 on on plains N Missouri; at war with the Blackfeet. SHOTO, (Wappatoo,) 460 in 1820, on Columbia River, opposite mouth of Wallaumut.
SICAUNIES, 1,000 in 1820, among the spurs of the Rocky Mountains, W. of the Rapids
SIOUX, discovered by French, 1660; 33,000 in 1820, St. Peter’s, Mississ., and Misso.
SISSATONES, upper portions of Red r., of L. Winnipee and St. Peter’s, in 1820.
SITKA. en King George III. Islands, on the coast of the Pacific, about lat. 57º N.
SIX NATIONS, (Iroquois.) Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Shawane.
SKADDALS, On Cataract River, 25 m. N. of the Big Narrows ; 200 in 1820.
SKEETSOMISH, 2,000 in 1820, on a river of their name flowing into the Lastaw.
SKILLOOT, on Columbia River, from Sturgeon Island upward; 2,500 in 1820.
SKUNNEMOKE or TUCKAPAS, Vermillion River, La., 6 leagues W of N. Iberia.
SMOKSHOP, on Columbia r., at the mouth of the Labiche; 800 in 1820, in 24 clans.
SOKOKIE, on Saco River, Maine, until 1725, when they withdrew to Canada.
SOKULK, on the Columbia, above mouth of Lewis’s River; 2,400 in 1820.
SOURIQUOIS, (Mikmaks,) once so called by the early French.
SOUTIES, (Ottowas,) a band probably mistaken for a tribe by the French.
SOYENNOM, (Chopunnish,) on N. side E. fork of Lewis’s River; 400 in 1820; W. R.
SPOKAIN, on sources Lewis’s River, over a large tract of country, W. Rocky Mts.
SQUANNAROO, on Cataract r., below the Skaddals ; 120 in 1820 ; W. Rocky Mts.
STAETANS, on heads W Chien r., with the Knenavish; 400 in 1805; resemble Kiawas
STOCKBRIDGE, NEW, (Mohegans and Iroquois,) collected in N.Y., 1786; 400 in 1820.
STOCKBRIDGE, Mass., (Mohegans,) settled there in 1734; went to Oneida in 1786. ST. JOHN’S, (Abenakies,) about 300 still remain on that river.
SUSQUEHANNOK, on W. shore of Md. in 1607 ; that river perpetuates their name.
SUSSEES, near sources of a branch of the Suskashawan, W. Rocky Mountains.
SYMERONS, a numerous of race, on branch E. side of the Isthmus of Darien.