Goshute Legends
Coyote: Coyote is a trickster figure in many Native American cultures. He is often portrayed as being mischievous and cunning, but he can also be helpful and wise. In Goshute legends, Coyote is often the hero of the story, and he often uses his wit and cunning to overcome challenges.
Eagle: Eagle is a powerful bird that is often seen as a symbol of strength and wisdom. In Goshute legends, Eagle is often a helper to humans, and he is sometimes seen as a messenger from the gods.
Bear: Bear is a powerful animal that is often seen as a symbol of strength and power. In Goshute legends, Bear is often a dangerous creature, but he can also be a helpful ally.
Snake: Snake is a mysterious creature that is often seen as a symbol of danger and death. In Goshute legends, Snake is often a trickster figure, and he can be both helpful and harmful.
Water Monster: Water Monster is a large creature that lives in the water. In Goshute legends, Water Monster is often a dangerous creature, and he can be a threat to humans.
Thunderbird: Thunderbird is a powerful bird that is often seen as a symbol of protection and power. In Goshute legends, Thunderbird is often a helper to humans, and he is sometimes seen as a messenger from the gods.
Sun: Sun is a powerful force that is often seen as a symbol of life and warmth. In Goshute legends, Sun is often a benevolent force, and he is sometimes seen as a creator god.
Moon: Moon is a powerful force that is often seen as a symbol of mystery and magic. In Goshute legends, Moon is often a trickster figure, and he can be both helpful and harmful.
Stars: Stars are often seen as a symbol of guidance and hope. In Goshute legends, Stars are often seen as messengers from the Gods, and they can be used to guide humans on their journey through life.
Here are a list of three Goshute traditional Legends:
- The Creation of the World
- The First People
- The Coming of the White Man
Article Index:
The Goshutes at Skull Valley tell the creation story of the Goshute, Paiute, Shoshone, Ute and other tribes.