Extinct Tribes K

Extinct Tribes, Forgotten Names, or Alternate Names of North American Indians

An alphabetical list of extinct native american indian tribes of the United States K to M.

Each tribal profile explains who they were, where they lived, how they lived, an account of first contact with Europeans, population if known, and a brief explanation of what happed to them.

Links to tribal profile pages are at the bottom of the page.


A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-J | K | L | MN | O | P-Q |  R-S |  T-V | W-Z  

Believed to be Extinct or Absorbed Into Other Tribes




Possibly Extinct? Some May be Canadian tribes? Or Alternate Names?


KADAPAUS, a tribe in N. Carolina in 1707.

KAHUNKLES, 400 in 1820, W. Rocky Mountains; abode unknown.

KALOOSAS, a tribe found early in Florida, long since extinct.

KANENAVISH, on the Padoucas’ fork of the Platte; 400 in 1805.

KANHAWAS, Ganawese or Canhaways; on the River Kanhawa, formerly.

KANSAS, on the Arkansas River; about 1,000 in 1836 ; in 1820, 1,850.

KASKASKIAS, (Illin.) on a river of same name flowing into the Mississ. ; 250 in 1797. KASKAYAS, between sources of the Platte and Rocky Mountains, 3,000 in 1836.

KATTEKA, (Padoucas,) not located by travellers. See PADOUCAS.

KEEKATSA, (Crows,) both sides Yellowstone above mouth Big Horn r., 3,500 in 1805.

KEYCHE, E. branch Trinity River in 1806; Once on the Sabine; 260 in 1820.

KIAWAS, On Padouca River, beyond the Kites; 1,000 in 1806.

KIGENE, on the shore of Pacific Ocean in 1821, under the chief Skittegates.

KIKAPOO, formerly in Illinois; now about 300, chiefly beyond the Mississippi. KILLAMUK, a branch of the Clatsops, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean; about 1,000.

KILLAWAT, in a larege town on the coast of the Pacific, E of the Luktons.

KILLAXTHOCLES, 100 in 1820, at the mouth of Columbia River, on N. side.

KIMOENIMS, a band of the Chopunnish, on Lewis’s River; 800 in 1820, in 33 clans.

KINAL, about Cook’s Inlet, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

KITES, (Staetans,) between sources Platte and Rocky Mountains; about 500 in 1820.

KISKAKONS inhabited Michilmakinak in 1680; a Huron tribe.

KNISTENAUX, on Assinnaboin River; 5,000 in 1812; numerous; women comely.

KONAGENS, Esquimaux, inhabiting Kadjak Island, lat 58° lon 152º W.

KOOK-KOO-OOSE, on the coast of the Pacific, S. of the Killawats; 1,500 in 1835.

KUSKARAWAOKS, one of six tribes on E. shore of Chesapeak in 1607; (‘Tuscaroras ?)



Article Index:

Koroa Indians

The Koroa Indians are one of many “small tribes” of the Southeastern United States that are mentioned briefly in historic accounts and then fade from the records during the colonial period.

There is evidence that some Koroa may have resided in present-day Arkansas in the late seventeenth century, but the ancestral homeland, cultural roots, and historic fate of the Koroa remain issues of disagreement among today’s scholars.