Seneca Treaties

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Seneca Treaties

Agreement With The Cherokee And Other Tribes In The Indian Territory, 1865

Treaty With The Comanche, Etc., 1835 Agreement With The Five Nations Of Indians, 1792

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1784Treaty With The New York Indians, 1838

Treaty With The Seneca, 1802

Treaty With The Seneca, 1802T

reaty With The Seneca, 1831

Treaty With The Seneca, Etc., 1831

Treaty With The Seneca And Shawnee, 1832

Treaty With The Seneca, 1842Treaty With The Seneca, Tonawanda Band, 1857

Treaty With The Seneca, Mixed Seneca And Shawnee, Quapaw, Etc., 1867

Agreement With The Seneca, 1797Agreement With The Seneca, 1823 (Unratified)

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1789

Treaty With The Six Nations, 1794

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1814

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1815

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1817

Treaty With The Wyandot, Etc., 1818

Famous Seneca

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By Tribe | By Year | Acts of CongressAgreements | Executive Orders