Indian Reservations S-T


Sac and Fox/Meskwaki Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Sac and Fox Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
St. Croix Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
St. Regis Mohawk Indian Reservation
Salt River Indian Reservation
San Carlos Indian Reservation
Sandia Pueblo
Sandy Lake Indian Reservation
San Felipe Pueblo
San Ildefonso Pueblo
San Juan Pueblo
San Manuel Indian Reservation
San Pasqual Indian Reservation
Santa Ana Pueblo
Santa Clara Pueblo
Santa Rosa Rancheria
Santa Rosa Indian Reservation
Santa Ynez Indian Reservation
Santa Ysabel Indian Reservation
Santee Indian Reservation
Santo Domingo Pueblo
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Reservation
Sault Ste. Marie Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Seminole Trust Land
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Sherwood Valley Rancheria
Shingle Springs Rancheria
Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Siletz Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Skokomish Indian Reservation
Skull Valley Indian Reservation
Smith River Rancheria
Snow Mountain Reservation of the Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians
Soboba Indian Reservation
Sokaogon Chippewa Community and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Southern Ute Indian Reservation
South Fork Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Spirit Lake Indian Reservation
Spokane Indian Reservation
Squaxin Island Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Standing Rock Indian Reservation
Stewart Community
Stewarts Point Rancheria
Stillaguamish Indian Reservation
Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Sulphur Bank Rancheria
Summit Lake Indian Reservation
Susanville Rancheria
Swinomish Indian Reservation
Sycuan Indian Reservation


Table Bluff Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Table Mountain Rancheria
Tampa Indian Reservation
Taos Pueblo and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Tesuque Pueblo and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Tonawanda Indian Reservation
Tonto Apache Indian Reservation
Torres-Martinez Indian Reservation
Trinidad Rancheria and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Tulalip Indian Reservation
Tule River Indian Reservation
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Reservation
Tuolumne Rancheria and Off-Reservation Trust Land
Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land – See link below.
Tuscarora Indian Reservation
Twenty-Nine Palms Indian Reservation

A to C | D to G | H to K | L to N | O to R | S to T | U to Z | By State | By Tribe


Article Index:

San Juan Pueblo
San Juan Pueblo in New Mexico

San Juan Pueblo in New Mexico

Famous Pueblo People

Spokane Indian Reservation

The Spokane ancestral homelands were located along the Spokane River from the Idaho border to the confluence of the Spokane and Columbia Rivers. Although not participants to the early signed treaties, the Spokane Indians were recognized, and maintained their identity and ties to traditional lands.

Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

The lands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe were reduced to a reservation by the Act of March 2, 1889. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal members are descendants of the Teton and Yankton Bands of the Lakota/Dakota Nations.

The Great Sioux Nation is also called The Lakota Nation, Tetons and the Western Sioux. The people of the Sioux Nation refer to themselves as Lakota/Dakota which means friend or allie.

The United States government took the word Sioux from (Nadowesioux), which comes from a Chippewa (Ojibway) word which means little snake or enemy.
The French traders and trappers who worked with the Chippewa (Ojibway) people shortened the word to Sioux.

Summit Lake Indian Reservation
Taos Pueblo Reservation
Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation Overview