This list of surnames represent the names of the Black freedmen who were adopted through the Dawes Commission, between 1898 and 1916. Note that many of these names appear in other Indian nation lists, and their inclusion here does not provide absolute proof of Black Indian Ancestry.
In addition to these items, it is recommended that the researcher obtain as much oral history as possible on the family, and then locate the Dawes records on the family, including the names of ancestors on the Enrollment Cards and other pertinent records.
A | Dandy | Johnie |
Aaron | Daniel | Johnoche |
Abb | Davey | Johnsey |
Abey | David | Johnson |
Abraham | Davis | Jonah |
Adam | Davison | Jonasse |
Adams | Dean | Jones |
Ahaisse | Deer | Joney |
A-ha-la-ko-chee | Dennis | Josey |
Ahaloke | Dicey | Joseph |
Ah-ho-he | Dillsa | Joshua |
Ah-weep-ka | Dinah | Judy |
Albert | Dindy | July |
Alberty | Dosar | Jumper |
Alec | Doser | June |
Aleck | Doyle | |
Alecky | Drew | K |
Alex | Dunford | Kamabe |
Alexander | Dunlap | Kane |
Alfa | Dyal | Kaney |
Alfred | Dyer | Katie |
Alice | Katy | |
Alicky | E | Kenah |
Allen | Echoille | Keno |
Alley | Edmond | Ke-pa-ya |
Allie | Eliza | Key |
Amesta | Ellen | King |
Amey | Elochee | Kinnona |
Amos | Elsa | Kissie |
Amy | Elsie | Kith-lee |
Anderson | Elizabeth | Kotska |
Anna | Emartha | |
Annie | Emarthla | L |
Annoche | Emarthoge | Lanego |
Archibald | Emmy | Larney |
Archockee | Emoche | Lasley |
Archole | En-le-te-ke | Leader |
Es-ho-po-na-ka | Leah | |
B | Estachuksehoke | Lelusse |
Baby | Estomethla | Lena |
Baker | Eunasse | Letka |
Barkus | Lewis | |
Barnett | F | Liley |
Barney | Factor | Lina |
Barricklow | Fanny | Lincoln |
Bean | Fay | Lindsey |
Bear | Fekhoniye | Litka |
Beard | Fife | Little |
Becky | Fik-hith-ka | Lizzie |
Bemo | Fish | Losata |
Bennett | Fixico | Lodie |
Berry | Flanley | London |
Bettie | Foster | Lopka |
Betsy | Fox | Lottie |
Billy | Freeman | Lotty |
Bottley | Fulsom | Louie |
Bowlegs | Fuswa | Louisa |
Brown | Futcha-hoke | Lousanna |
Bruce | Futopeche | Lovett |
Bruner | Lowe | |
Bryant | G | Lowery |
Buck | Gaines | Lowesa |
Buddy | Gano | Lowine |
Bull | George | Lowiney |
Burden | Gibbs | Lozana |
Burgess | Gibson | Lucina |
Butler | Gibsy | Lucy |
Goat | Lula | |
C | Gooden | Lumba |
Caesar | Gordon | Lumsey |
Canard | Grant | Lundo |
Carbechochee | Gray | Lusoche |
Carbiticher | Grayson | Lustey |
Carolina | Greenleaf | |
Carpitche | Ground | M |
Carr | McCoy | |
Carter | H | McCulla |
Catcher | Hagie | McGeisy |
Catchoche | Haney | McGeisey |
Charlesey | Hanna | McGirt |
Charley | Hannah | McIntosh |
Charlie | Hardy | McNac |
Charty | Harjo | Mahale |
Checotah | Harjoche | Mahardy |
Che-da-ka | Harrison | Malinda |
Cheeska | Hatty | Mandy |
Chepaney | Hawkins | Maney |
Cheparney | Hayecha | Manuel |
Cheponoska | Hayes | Marcus |
Chippee | Henne-ho-chee | Marcy |
Chisholm | Henny | Maria |
Chochee | Henry | Marks |
Choharjo | Hepsey | Marpiyecher |
Chosey | Hesahoka | Marshal |
Chotka | Hill | Marshall |
Chotke | Hilly | Martha |
Chotkey | Hochifke | Marthla |
Choya | Hoktochee | Martin |
Chulma | Hoktoke | Marty |
Chumsey | Holata | Mary |
Chupco | Holatka | Matuth-hoke |
Chupcogee | Hollins | Maude |
Church | Holmes | Mecco |
Cindy | Hopoille | Meley |
Clark | Hotulke | Melishkoche |
Cloud | Hulbutta | Melisse |
Cobb | Hulhoke | Melo |
Co-e-see | Hulleah | Mogee |
Coffee | Hully | Meney |
Coker | Hulwa | Mesale |
Coley | Hutke | Mesaley |
Concharty | Hutche | Metetakee |
Condella | Micco | |
Condulle | I | Miley |
Conhecha | Ida | Miller |
Conner | Iley | Milley |
Co-nok-kee | Ishmael | Millie |
Contaley | Island | Mills |
Coody | Milly | |
Cooper | J | Milsey |
Cornelius | Jacksey | Mimey |
Cosar | Jackson | Mina |
Cotcha | Jacksy | Minda |
Cowake | Jacob | Mingo |
Co-wok-o-chee | Jakey | Misselda |
Cox | James | Missena |
Crain | Janey | Missey |
Crane | Jannati | Missie |
Crow | Jefferson | Mitchell |
Cudjo | Jemima | Mitchile |
Cudjoe | Jennetta | Mokoyike |
Cully | Jennie | Moleya |
Cumpsey | Jesse | Mollie |
Cumseh | Jimmey | Molly |
Cundy | Jimmie | Monacheke |
Cunny | Jimmy | Monday |
Cunsah | Jimpka | Monkah |
Cynda | Jimpsey | Mooney |
Cyrus | Joanna | Moore |
Jo-co-chee | Moppin | |
D | Joe | Morgan |
Daily | John | Morris |
Morrison | Se-ne | |
Mosar | Sentevey | |
Moses | Sigler | |
Mot-hoh-ye | Silla | |
Mulcussey | Sillah | |
Mulcy | Semleteke | |
Mulgusse | Simma | |
Mulleah | Silla | |
Mundy | Sim-me-te-da-kee | |
Mungo | Sim-e-di-ha-kee | |
Munnah | Simena | |
Muthoye | Simon | |
Sissie | ||
N | Sissy | |
Nancy | Skiff | |
Nannie | Smith | |
Napoeche | Solomon | |
Narcome | Sona | |
Natukse | Sonny | |
Nellie | Sowanoke | |
Nellsie | Sowatske | |
Nelly | Spencer | |
Nelsey | Stafey | |
Ne-ma | Stanton | |
Nero | Steel | |
Nevins | Stephenson | |
Nicey | Stepney | |
Nitchey | Steppe | |
Nitey | Stewart | |
Noah | Stidham | |
Noble | Street | |
Nokoseka | Suc-car-see | |
Nokusile | Sullivan | |
Nora | Sumka | |
Noska | Sumpsey | |
Nuksokoche | Sunday | |
Sunny | ||
O | Susanna | |
Okfuska | Susey | |
Okfuskey | Susie | |
Okfusky | Suthoye | |
Omayaye | Su-wa-key | |
Osborne | ||
Otheche | T | |
Tahike | ||
P | Talmasey | |
Palmer | Talmascy | |
Paney | Tanyan | |
Parney | Tar-co-sar | |
Parnoche | Tayeche | |
Parnosa | Taylor | |
Par-nos-co-che | Tecumseh | |
Parsosee | Teller | |
Parnoskey | Tena | |
Paroah | Te-tah-ke | |
Passake | Tewe | |
Pa-ta-ge | Tewee | |
Payne | Thahoyane | |
Pennose | Thasate | |
Perryman | Thlocco | |
Peter | Thocco | |
Phena | Thomas | |
Phenie | Thompson | |
Philip | Tiger | |
Phillip | Tikahche | |
Phillips | Ti-u-na | |
Pheobe | Tobie | |
Pilot | Toche | |
Pochuswa | Tolmochusse | |
Polly | Tolomka | |
Pompey | Tommy | |
Ponkilla | Toney | |
Ponluste | Tulla | |
Pon-no-kee | Tulsay | |
Porter | Turner | |
Possuk | ||
Pottey | U | |
Powell | Ut-tley | |
Proctor | ||
Pullotka | V | |
Puncho | Vann | |
Punka | ||
Punluste | W | |
Putkeh | Wadsworth | |
Waitey | ||
R | Wakkie | |
Rabbit | Walker | |
Raiford | Wallace | |
Reed | Walter | |
Renton | War-le-do | |
Renty | Warrior | |
Rhoda | Washington | |
Riley | Wasutke | |
Ripley | Watson | |
Robert | Watty | |
Roberts | Weattie | |
Roe | Webster | |
Rosanna | Weely | |
Ross | Wellington | |
Wells | ||
S | Wesley | |
Sa-che-meche | West | |
Saketheche | Wetley | |
Sakoeka | White | |
Sakteke | Whitfield | |
Saley | Wildcat | |
Salina | Willea | |
Salinda | William | |
Sallie | Williamkee | |
Sally | Williams | |
Saloche | Williamse | |
Salma | Williamsee | |
Sam | Willie | |
Samby | Willis | |
Samele | Wilsey | |
Sammah | Wilson | |
Sammy | Winey | |
Samochee | Winton | |
Sampson | Wise | |
Samuel | Wisey | |
Sancho | Wisner | |
Sandrige | Witlow | |
Sandy | Wright | |
Sango | Wyetka | |
Sando | Wolf | |
Sapalpake | Wood | |
Sapehunka | Wotko | |
Sapokhohthe | ||
Sarber | Y | |
Sarney | Ya-fo-la-gee | |
Scipio | Yahola | |
Scott | Yakopuche | |
Seeley | Yamie | |
Sefah | Yanah | |
Seharney | Yarber | |
Sehoka | Yarnah | |
Sehunka | Yekcha | |
Selba | Yoney | |
Selda | Youngs | |
Selma | Yowelle | |
Semissee | ||
Sena |