Native American Alliance to Protect Indian Burial Mounds
Demonstration of Unity July 4, 2004 The ancient burial mounds and earthworks located in Ohio are being destroyed and damaged, some of the human remains have been dug up and then stored in a warehouse.
In one area, the mounds were leveled and a country club and golf course were built around the earthworks. The public and Indian groups are no longer allowed on the property except for 2 half days during the year.
The Native American Alliance of Ohio is planning a demonstration of unity on July 4th, 2004. Please come and help us, show your support and concern for the burial places of your ancestors. We are all related!
All American Indians and their descendants as well as non-Indians should be outraged at the people who have done this! We are asking you to help us. If you can’t come and stand with us physically then show your support financially.
The proceeds will benefit the Native American Alliance of Ohio legal fund to protect and preserve the ancient Indian Burial Mounds in Ohio.
Your deductions are tax deductible.
The Ohio Historical Society has recently requested 8.2 million dollars from the State of Ohio so that they can build a warehouse to store the more than 6,500 human bones and artifacts that the OHS has dug up from the various Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio. Some of the artifacts that have been unearthed and “stolen” have been sold for personal profit by certain Society members at an auction for over $100,000.00.
Several Ohio Indian groups have asked the OHS to return the remains for reburial but the OHS has always denied ever having any remains!
Presently the State of Ohio funds the OHS at an annual amount of 12 million dollars. The Society is also requesting to double that amount for its annual budget.
All of the Indian groups that I have talked with want the remains delivered to us so that we can rebury our ancestors in a protected site and with the dignity and honors that they deserve.
If you agree with this then please do what you can do to help make this happen. Your support either physical or financial will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
If you want more info or have questions, please contact:
Mr John Beckett at or by calling 740-435-8471
John Wills at or by calling 330-339-5359