There were once hundreds of Sioux Bands. Today there are 18 Sioux First Nations in Canada and 17 Tribes in the United States who are the descendants of the Ocheti Sakowin, or Sioux Nation.
The largest of the Sioux divisions, representing the majority of the Teton Sioux, are the Lakota of the Pine Ridge Reservation who number around 100,000. They reside near the Sacred Black Hills of South Dakota.
The Lakota, Nakota and Dakota Nations (also known as the Great Sioux Nation) descends from of the original inhabitants of North America and can be divided into three major linguistic and geographic groups: Lakota (Teton, West Dakota), Nakota (Yankton, Central Dakota) and Dakota (Santee, Eastern Dakota).
These groups are further divided into 7 bands which have many sub-divisions. Some of the most famous Indian chiefs come from the Sioux Nation, including Crazy Horse, Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, Rain-in-the-Face, and Gall. Black Elk was a famous Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux.
- Western – Teton – Lakota(Dwellers on the Plains) – (Titonwan) – (Oceti Sakowin or 7 Council Fires)
- Oglala (“they scatter their own”, or “dust scatterers”)
- Oglala Tribal Flag
- Sicangu (or Brule – “Burnt Thighs”)
- Rosebud Reservation
- Rosebud Flag
- Rosebud Flag
- Rosebud Reservation
- Lower Brule Reservation
- Sicangu (or Brule – “Burnt Thighs”)
- Hunkpapa (“end of the circle”)
- Historical Leaders
- Hunkpapa (“end of the circle”)
- Miniconjous (“planters beside the stream”)
- Cheyenne River Reservation
- Sihasapa (or Blackfeet, not to be confused with the separate Blackfeet tribe)
- Cheyenne River Reservation
- Itazipacola (or Sans Arcs: “without bows”)
- Oohenupa (“Two Boilings” or “Two Kettle”)
- Middle – Yankton – Nakota
- Yankton Ihanktonwan (Dwellers at the End)
- Yankton Bands
- Assiniboin Indians
- Black Horn’s, Black Moon’s, Blue Bank Lake
- Elk Horn’s, End Village, Esantee
- Ha Sazza’s, Hasaohah’s, Hasaza’s, He Who Iflicts The First Wound’s, Hohe Indians
- Ihanktonwan, Ihnaktunwan, Ihnatunwanna, Ioway’s, Isanti
- Mde May To, Medicine Bear’s, Monkaushka’s, Morton
- Nine’s
- Pah Baxah, Pejihutazizi, Prairie Island, Pretty Hawk’s, Prior Lake
- Rebels, Red Wing
- Shokopee-Mdewankton, Sisseton, Strikes the Ree’s, Struck By The Ree’s
- Takacon’s, The Elk’s, The Ioway’s, The Trembling Heart’s, Tinta Wita, Trees Marked Red, Turtle Mountain
- Yankton Agency
- Yankton Bands
- Upper Yanktonai (Ihanktowanna-Little Dwellers at the End
- The Yanktonias were a river plains people who did some farming as well as buffalo hunting.
- Lower Yanktonai, living in SD, ND, and MT
- Lower Yanktonai Bands
- Lower Yankton
- Lower Yanktonai Bands
- Yankton Ihanktonwan (Dwellers at the End)
- Eastern – Santee – Dakota
- Mdewakantonwon (Spirit Lake People)
- Wahpeton – Wahpetonwan (People Dwelling among the Leaves)
- Wahpekute (Shooters Among the Leaves People)
- Sisseton – Sissetonwan (People of the Fish Village(s)
- Unclassified Sioux Bands (313 Bands – Some now extinct)
- Afraid of His Horses’, Akitchita, Akichita, Alberta Bands, Alexis, Alone’s, American Horse’s, Archie Eagle’s, Assiniboin Indians
- Bad Arms, Bad Bull’s. Bad Faces, Bad Lookers, Bad Wound’s, Bear, Bear Cap’s, Bear Stop’s, Bear’s Cap’s, Bear’s Head’s, Bear’s Rib, Bearspaw’s, Behansa, Big Bellies Lodge, Big Foot’s, Big Legged Horses, Big Road’s, Big Wound’s, Birdtail Sioux, Black Bull’s, Black Eagle’s, Black Elk’s, Black Footed Ones, Black Horn’s, Black Kettle’s, Black Moon’s, Black Rock’s, Black Shield’s, Black Stone’s, Blackfoot Sioux, Blue Coat’s, Boil Their Dishes, Born In The Middle, Brave Heart Society, Break Their Own Customs, Broad Tail’s, Broad Trail’s, Broiled Meat People, Brown Thunder’s, Brule Sioux, Buffalo Society, Bull Bear’s, Bull Eagle’s, Bull Moose’s, Bull Society, Bull’s Band, Burnt Thigh Sioux
- Camp Next To Last, Canadian Sioux, Canoni Dakota, Cante Tinza Society, Chan Tonga Indians, Chanoni Dakota, Chante Tinza Society, Charles Eagle’s, Chase The Tiger’s, Cheyenne River I.R., Cheyene River Sioux, Chihaut, Colored Cloud’s, Comes In Sight’s, Conquering Bear’s, Coweaters, Corn’s, Crawler’s, Crazy Bull’s, Crazy Horse’s, Crow Creek Reservation, Crow Feather, Crow Feathers’, Crow Indians, Crow King’s, Cuthead Sioux
- Dakota Capot, Dakota Tipi F.N., Devil’s Medicine Men, Dhegia Sioux, Dull Knife’s, Dust Scatterers
- Eagle’s, Eagle’s Body, Eagle Sitting Down’s, Eat No Dogs, EehaSapa’s, Enchanted Horse’s, End Village
- False Pride, Fast Beaer’s, Fast Bull’s, Feather Earrings’, Fire Hear’s, Fire White Man’s, Fishing Station # 62A, Fishy Smell Village, Flying Bird’s, Flying By’s, Four Bear’s, Four Horn’s, Fox Society, Fresh Meat Necklace
- Gall’s, Garter Snake’s, General Convention of Sioux YMCAs, Good Bear’s, Good Bird’s, Good Crow’s, Grand River, Green Grass I.R., Grizzly Bear
- Hai Wazi Cha’s, Hairy Chin’s, Haiwahzechah’s, Half Breech Clout, Ham Eaters, Harold Little Crow’s, Hawwanjetah’s, He Dog’s, Headmen’s Lodge, High Bear’s, Hinyete’s, His High Horse’s, HitsaipChone, Honcpappa Sioux, Hontpapa Sioux, Hump’s, Huncpapa Sioux, Hunkpapa Sioux, Hurricane Bird’s
- IhankTonwan, IhankTunwan, IhankTunwanna, Ihoka Society, Indian Reservation # 62A, Inkapduta’s, Iron Dog’s, Iron Hawk’s, Iron Horse’s, Iron Point’s, Iron Plume’s, Iron Shield’s, Isanyati Dakota, Isna’s, Issati Indians, Itsaip Chone Itazipicola, Iyuptala Lodge
- Jumping Creek
- Kanghi Shtunpegnaka, Kanghishtunpegnaka, Kangi Yatpi’s, Kettle, Kicking Bear’s, Kill Eagle’s, Kiyuksa, Koskadaka Okalakicye, Kuya Wincasta, Kuya Winchasta
- La Corne Seule’s, Lakoda Indians, Lame Deer’s, Lazy Bear’s, Le Beouf Assis’, Leja Ga Datca, Little Bear’s, Little Big Man’s, Little Brave’s, Little Bull’s, Little Crow’s, Little End Village, Little Hawk’s, Little Knife’s, Little Mountain’s, Little Thunder’s, Lodges at the End of the Camp Circle, Lone Dog’s, Lone Horn’s, Long Dog’s, Long Horn’s, Looking For The Enemy’s, Loud Voiced Hawk’s, Low Dog’s, Lower Brule, Lower Sioux
- M’Dawakon Tonwan, M’Dawakontonwan Mahghaska’s, Mahpiyahdinape’s, Mahpiya Dinape’s, Mahpiya Luta’s, Mahto, Maize’s, Makes Room’s, Maka To Chanchon’s, Makoutepoels, Maskote Pwat, Mandan Indians, Manitoba Bands, Maple Tree’s, Mato Chicha’s, Mato Inapa’s, Mato Topa’s, MatoEenahpa’s, Matotchica’s, Maukautojannon’s, MautoTopa’s, Medicine Bear’s, Medicine Man’s, Mina Sala’s, MiniCan-Hinyoujou Sioux, MiniKaynes, Miniconjou Sioux, MiniKayawozupi, MiniKoozu, Minnecoug Sioux, Minnecoujou Sioux, Minniconjou Sioux, Minnieonzon’s, Miwatani Lodge, Mnikoozu, Mnikowoju, Mnisa’s, Moccasin Top’s, Moon Comes Up’s, Moose Woods, Mystery Lake
- Nakoda Indians, Nakota, Nation of the Boeuf, Neecawweegee, Nichawigi, Nightcloud, Nine’s, No Neck’s
- Oak Lake, Oak River, Oconoma, Ogalala Sioux, Oglala Sioux, Oglalahcha, Ojalespoitans, Okandada, Okondada, Old Bear Cap’s, Old Bear’s, Old Bull’s, Old Lone Horn’s, Old One Horn’s, Old Skin Necklace, Olepi’s, One Bull’s, One Horn’s, Onze-Sansan, OoheNumpa, Oowesichan’s, Owesichan’s
- Patriarch Crow’s, Paul, Peta’s, Pine Ridge I.R., Pinto Bear’s, Capot Sioux, Portage La Prairie I.R. # 8A, Prairie Sioux, Pretty Bear’s, Pretty Hawk’s, Prince Albert, Pta Lodge, Pta Sapa’s
- Red Bear’s, Red Bull’s, Red Cloud’s, Red Dog’s, Red Fish’s, Red Hand’s, Red Horn’s, Red Horse’s, Red Leaf’s, Red Lodge, Red Shirt’s, Red Water, Red Water’s, River That Flies, Roman Nose’s, Rosebud I.R., Round Plain Sioux, Running Antelope’s
- Sanona Sioux, Sans Arcs, Sans Arcs Sioux, Santee Sioux, Saskatchewan Bands, Saskatoon, Scatters One’s Own Shell Ear Pendant, Shell Earrings, Shiyo Sioux, Short Bull’s, Shooters Among The Leaves, Short Hair, Si Chun Goo, Sicangu, Sichangu, SinsinTunwan, Sioux, Sioux of the Lakes, Sioux of The Prairies, Sioux of The River of St. Peter’s, Sioux I.R., Sioux Reservation, Sioux Valley, Sioux YMCA, Sitting Bull The Good’s, Sitting Bull’s, Sitting Bull’s Soldiers, Sitting Eagle’s, Siyo, Sleepy Kettle, Smoke’s, Snake’s, Sore Backs, Spirit Lake, Spirit Lake Village, Spotted Bear’s, Spotted Eagle’s, Spotted Elk’s, Spotted Tail’s,Stabber’s, Standing Buffalo Dakota Band, Standing Buffalo I.R. # 78, Standing Bull’s, Standing Bull Moose’s, Standing Elk’s, Standing Rock Agency, Stone Dog’s, Storm Bird’s, Strikes The Ree’s, Striped Ground Snake’s, Strong Hand’s, Swan’s, Sweat’s, Sweet Bird’s
- Ta Coropa, Ta Sunke Kopipapi’s, Ta Tanka Lodge, Ta Tanka Nazin’s, Tacohiropapais, Tacoropa, Tatanka I’Yotanka’s, Tatanka Nazin’s, Tatanka Yotanka’s, Tayhan Nakota, Teton Sioux,The Cuts, The Man Who Crawls, The Minnicojou’s, The One That Runs the Ree’s, The One Who Kills the White Man’s, They Come From The Sunrise, They Throw Things Inside, Those Who Carry Bad Bows, Those Who Wear Crow Feathers In Their Hair, Thunder Hoop’s, TiTonwan Dakota, TiyaTonwan Dakota, To Plant By The Stream, Touch The Sky’s, True Oglala, Tschantoga Indians,Turtle Mountain Two Arrow’s, Two Boilings, Two Eagle’s, Two Kettle Sioux
- Uncapapa Sioux, Upper Sioux
- Wacape’s, Wachape’s, Wagimaza’s, Wagmiza’s, Wahin Numpa’s, WahpeKute, Wambdi Sapa’s, Wamdisapa’s, Wamnughaoin, Wanapin’s, Waterspout’s, Wazaza, Welcome’s, Whirlwind’s, Whirlwind Bear’s, White Bear That Goes Out’s, White Bull’s, White Cap’s, White Dog’s, White Eagle’s, White Feet’s, White Hollow Horn’s, White Horse Riders Society, White Thunder’s, Whitecap’s, WiciYela Dakota, WichiYela Dakota, William Eagle’s, William Little Crow’s, WitanHantahipi, WitanTanpi, Without Bows, Wood Mountain, Wood Mountain F.N., Wounded Knee I.R.
- Yaha Sapa’s, Yankton Sioux, Yanktonai Sioux, Yellow Black Fox’s, Yellow Dog’s, Yellow Eagle’s, Young Man Afraid of His Horses’
- Zuzuecha’s
Other Sioux Tribes:
- Assiniboine and Sioux Tribe (Nakota)
The Assiniboine Tribe was once a separate tribe from the Sioux, but now share a reservation with part of the Nakota Sioux tribes. - Fort Peck Reservation
- Assiniboine Bands (564 Bands – Many now extinct)
- Abraham’s, Aegitina, Agency, Akitcita Society, Alberta Bands, Alberta Beach, Alexander Nakoda, Alexis’ Alexis Indian Band # 133, Amos’, Anokasan’s, Antelope’s, Arm People, Assaboach, Assan Zanna’s, Assapaskan, Asini Wachi’s, Assinipoual Indians, Assiniboin Agency, Assiniboin I.R., Assiniboin of the Woods, Assiniboine Chief’s, Assiniboine Agency, Assiniboines of the Meadows, Assiniboins of the Forests, Assiniboin Spirit’s, Assinibouels of the Woods, Atawepton’s, Atsina-Assiniboin, Atsina Chief’s
- Bad Animal’s, Bear Society, Bear’s, Bear’s Ears’, Bear’s Head’s, Bear’s Paw’s, Bearspaw’s, Beaux Hommes, Beaver’s, Behansa, Benjamin’s, Big Devil’s, Big Frank’s, Big Hand’s, Big Road’s, Big Trail’s, Bighorn, BigStoney’s, Birch’s, BizeBina, Black Bear’s, Blue Thunder’s, Boar Bear’s Head’s, Boeuf Blanc’s, Boggy Hall, Bonaparte’s, Bone Cleaners, Bone Chippers, Bone People, Brandon Bands, Bras Fond, Broken Arm’s, Broken Hand’s, Nuck Lake # 133C, Buffalo Hip, Bush Assiniboin
- Cahi’a Iye’Skabin, CahiaIyeskaBin, Camp Moves To The Kill, Canhdada, CanheWincasta, Canknuhabi, Cannington, Canoe, Canoe People, Canoe Paddlers, Canoe Nakoda, Canum Mentulae, Carry The Kettle Nakoda, Carry The Kettle’s,Cepahubi Chabin Nakoda, Chakagin’s, Chan He Winchasta, Chan Tonga Nakoda, Chane Winchasta, ChanHandabi Nakoda, Chandada, Chanewinchasta, Chantonga Nakoda, Chantree Assiniboin, Chat Ka’s, Chat Kah’s, Chatique’s, ChatonaBine, Cheechak’s, CheepoOstikwan’s, Cheepoostequahn’s, Chekakin’s, Cheneka’s, Chien Fou’s, Chiniki’s, Chiniquy’s, Chiniquay’s, ChipoOstikwan’s, Chipwaw Ostikwan’s, Chocab’s, Chuwikauaka’s Clown Society Cohan’s, Condor’s, Conjourers, Conjouring Old Man’s, Contrary People, Cooskanoombabe’s, Crawler’s, Crazy Bear’s, Cree Assiniboin, Cree Speaking People, Cree Speaker’s, Cree Speakers, Cree Talkers, Crooked Arm’s, Crow’s Dance’s, Cunktcebi, Curlew, Cut Throats, Cypress Hills
- David Bearspaw’s, Dog, Du Gauche’s, Duffield
- Eagle Assiniboin, Eagle Brich, Eagle Eyed Indians, Far Away Nakoda, Fat Smokers, Father Eagle’s, Feather’s, First Fly’s, First To Fly’s, Fishing Lakes, Flash in the Sky Boy’s, Fool Bear’s, Fool Society, Foolish Bear’s, Foot, Foot People, Fort Alexandria Bands, Fort Assiniboin, Fort Belknap Bands, Fort Belknap I.R., Fort Carlton Bands, Fort Edmonton Bands, Fort Peck Bands, Fort Peck I.R., Fort Pitt Bands, Fort Union Bands, Foutreau’s, Fox’s, Frank Kaquitt’s, Frere du Chien Fou’s
- Gauche’s, Gens De Canot, Gens De Feuilles, Gens De Gauche, Gens De L’Age, Gens Des Bois, Gens Des Bois Forts, Gens Des Filles, Gens Des Montagnes, Gens Des Osayes, Gens Des Roche, Gens Du Bois Fort, Gens Du Canot, Gens du Lac, Gens Du Large, Gens Du Nord, Gens Du Pied, George McLean’s, Girl’s, Gophers, Good Hand’s, GoodStoney, GoodStoney’s, Grand River, Great Road’s, Great Stoney’s, Great Trail’s, Grey Eye’s, Grizzly Bear’s Head’s, Gros Francois’
- Half Cree, Half-White-Man’s, Hays, He That Speaks Cree’s, He Who Holds the Kinfe’s, Headcutters, HeBina, Hector Crawler’s, HenaTonwanBina, Highwood River, Hohe, Hoke, Hoohoosis’, Horned Thunder’s, HudesaBina, HuhuGanebabi, Huhumasmibi, Huncajuka’s, Hunka Juka’s, Hunter’s, Hurry Up’s
- IaeaumBina, IcheaBine, In The Light’s, Indian Reservation # 133, # 133A, # 133B, # 133C, # 142, # 142B, # 143, # 144, # 144A, # 216, # 216A, IndoghWincasta, Ini’ U’mbi, Inihan Kinyen’s, Ininaumbi, Inninaonbi, Insnaombi, InyanTonwanBin, InyanTonwanBina, Iozanzan’s, Iron Arrow Point’s, Iron Crow’s, Iron Ringing’s, Isindzawstiha’s, Istagon’s, ItscheaBine, Iyeskabi, Iyozanzan’s
- Jack’s, Jacob’s, Jacob Bearspaw’s, Jacob Bigstoney’s, Jacob Goodstoney’s, Jacob KichiPwat’s, JatonaBine, Jerry Atsina Chief’s, Job Beaver’s, John Snow’s, Johnny Bearspaw’s, Jonas Benjamin’s, Jonas Goodstoney’s, Jonas Rider’s, Joseph’s
- Kahotadohan’s, Kakwits’, Kanacatoose’s, Kaquitts’, Kanahachapew’s, Kandada, Kapasiwin # 133B, Kaskitew Maskoo Maskwa’s, Kawahkatosuwi Pwat’s, Kawakatoose’s, KawasasKohopatisk’s, KawasasKotrepahik’s, KawasusKohopatisk’s, Keeskeecheechi’s, Kesekkananbabbe’s, KichiPwat’s, Kichipwot’s, Kiska Wapta, Kiskichichi’s, Kiskitew Maskoo Maskwa’s, Knife Holder’s, Kootenay Plains, Kopahawakemum’s, Kopatawaeknum’s, Koska Noom Babe’s
- La Main Gauche’s, La Main Qui Tremble’s Lac La Nonne, Lac St. Anne, Lake of the Woods, Large Organs Le Boeuf Blanc’s, Le Croup De Pheasant’s, Le Grand Diable’sl Le Gross Francois’, Le Grosse Francois’, Le Pere Du Grimaceu’s, Le Petit Soldat’s, Le Premier Qui Vole, Le Robe de Vent’s, Lean Man’s, Left Hand’s, Left Handed’s, Lefty’s, Les Gens De Bras, Les Gens De Canot, Les Yeux Gris’ Light’s, Lightning’s, Like a Fish, Little Black Bear’s, Little Chief’s, Little Dogs, Little Girl’s, Little Mountain’s, Little Owl’s, Little Rock Mountain People, Little Soldier’s Lodge Pole’s, Lonely Dogs, Long Lodge’s, Longview I.R. # 216A, Looking Like A Ghost, Lower Assiniboin
- McLean’s, Mad Bear’s, Magna’s, Mah-min’ss, Man Who Took The Coat’s, Manghpeeya Owate Hokshi’s, Manitoba Bands, Manito Uitkatt’s, Manitou Potte’s, Manitou Pte’s, Manitou Pwat’s, Manto Uitkatt’s, MasgaAhsid’s, Masgwa Ahsid’s, Mashquegon, MaskeKwatik’s, Maskwa Ahsid’s, Maskwa Asid’s, Maskwa Kwatik’s, Masquegon, Master Bow’s, Matejach Kiokens’, Mau To Weet Ko’s, Mautoweetko’s, Maza Kangi’s, Maza Usna’s, Me’na U Hi’nah’s, Meat Bag, Meat Hunter’s, Medicine Coulee, Mekesue Indians, Menahuhina’s, Menatoba’s, Metal Ringing’s, Methodist Mina Yuhen’s, MinaYougha’s, MinaYuhen’s, Minneshenakato, MiniSantonWabi, MiniShinaKato, MiniShinaYen’s, Minisose, Minisose Sunkcebi, Misketo’s, Mission, Missouri River, Missouri River Dogs, Moldy People, Montmartre, Montmartre Reserve, Moose Mountain, Moose Woods, MooseKiller’s, Morley Nakoda Bands, Moses Bearspaw’s, Mosquito’s, Mosquito-Grizzly Bear’s Head’s, Mouldy People, Mountain Assiniboin, Mountain, Mountain People, Mountain Poets, Mountain Village, Muskegwatic’s
- Nakoda Spirit’s, Napeshin Society, Narrows, Narrows Indian Reservation, Nation of the Boeuf, Naywatame Poet, NehiaPwat, Nesoauasis’, North Battleford Bands, North People, Northern Bands, Northern Nakoda
- O Masina Soowasinee’s, Oak Lake, OatoPaBine, Ocean Man’s, Ocean Man Nakoda, Old Star’s, Old Tabeau’s, One Eye’s, One Who Holds The Knife’s, Ones That Carry Their Wood, Ones That Go To The Dance, Ones Who Stay Alone, Onze Sansen, OomuoinahSoowawsinee’s, Oomusinah Soowawsinee’s, Oseegah, Osincha Stia’s, Osnibi, OtaoBine, OtaoPaBine, OtoPaBine, Otter Robe’s, Ouckidoat’s, Our Woods, Our Tall Timber, Owners of Sharp Knives, Ozanzan’s
- Paddlers, Paddlers who Live on the Prairie, Paddling, Parfleche, Parkland Nakoda, Paskoyah Village, Pasquayah Village, Paul’s, Paul Amos’, Peace Hills, Pelican’s, People of the Cold, People of the North, People of the Woods, People of the Woods Nakoda, People from Wood Mountain, Peter Wesley’s, Pheasant Rump’s, Pigeon Lake, Plains Nakoda, Plains People, Pointed Head’s, Poor Man’s, PtegaBina, Pw Sym A Wock
- Qu’Appelle Bands, Quiet People
- Rabbit, Rattlers Society, Rattlesnake’s, Rebels, Red Bottom, Red Buttocks, Red Butt, Red Dog’s, Red Pheasant’s, Red River, Red River Indians, Red Root, Red Stone’s, Red Water People, Rider’s, Ringing Iron’s, Ringing Metal’s Roamers, Robe De Vent’s, Rock, Rock People, Rocky Assiniboin, Rocky Mountain Assiniboin, Rocky Mountain House Bands, Rocky Mountain People
- Sahiya IyeskaBi, SahiyaIyeskaBi, Saka Pwatsak Wininiwak, SakBwatSak Wininiwak, SakPwatSak Wininiwak, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Nakoda Sharphead’s, Shagen’s Si Chanankaska, Si Chanski, Sichonski, Sihabi, Sitconski, Sitting Eagle’s, Skinny Man’s, Skull Mountain, Skull Mountainette, Skwesipi Pwatak, Snow’s, Snugabi, South Branch House Bands, Southern Assiniboin, Speakers of Cree, Spirit Bear’s, Spotted Wolf’s, Squesipi Bouatac, Star’s, Stone, Stone Assiniboin, Stone People, Stone Spirit’s, Strangers, Strongwoods Suicide Society, Sukeman’s, Sunkcebi Swamp People, Swampy Ground
- Ta Mina Pebina, Ta Nidabi, Ta Tanka Mani’s, Tabault’s, Tabeau’s, Tah to’ka nah, Tahtokanah’s, Tah-tuka-nah’s, Tall Timber, TaMinaPeBina, TaNidabi, TaninDabin, TaninTauei, TaninTauey, Tanezebechagge’s, Tanzebachage’s, Tanzebeshan’s, TaTanka Mani’s, Tatogan’s, Tatotan’s, Tayhan Nakota, Tcanxe Wintcacta, Tcanxtad, Tchakta’s, Tchatka’s, Tchineke’s Teepee Hanske’s, Teepee Hoska’s, Tehan Nakota, Thcatka’s, The Condor’s, The Light’s, The Man Who Took The Coat’s, The One Who Fetched The Coat’s, The Ones Who Stay at Home, The Stone’s, Thickwoods, Thomas Kaquitts’, Those Who Have Water For Themselves Only, Those Who Have Water Only For Themselves, Those Who Propel Boats, Those Who Stay Away, Thunder’s,Tokah’s, Tokah Keanonot’s, Tokahe Inowan’s, Tokanbi, Tokumpe, Tom Kaquitts’, Took The Coat’s, Touchwood Agency Bands, Touchwood Hills Bands, Tourbillon’s, Towan Hudan, Trembling Hand’s, Trickster Tschantoga Assiniboin, TshanhandaBing Assiniboin Turtle Mountain, Turtle Mountain Sioux, Two Child’s, Twoyoungman’s
- Unskaha, Upper Assiniboin, Upper Nakoda, Upper Missouri River, Upper Saskatchewan, Uses Both Arms’
- Victoria
- Wabamek Sakykanik, Wabamun # 133A, Waciazihyabin, WadoPaBina, WadoPahnaTonwan, Wah He Muzza’s, Wahe Maza’s WahheJoetasseeneen’s, WahheMuzza’s, Wahkeun’s, Wahpei Maskwa’s, Wahpei Muskwa’s, Wahzeap, WakpaTopahnoTonwanPin, Wakeya’s, Walking Bow’s, Walking Buffalo’s, Walking Eagle’s, Walking Spirit’s, Walking Stones, Wandering Spirit’s, Wankanta’s, Wankanto’s, Washa’s, Wasinazinyabi, Waskatenau, Wata PaBine, Wata Pahanda Tonwan, WatoPaBin, WatoPaBina, WatoPaBine, WatoPachnaTo, WatoPahandaTo, WatoPaNaTon, WatoPaPinah, WatoPaPpena, WatoPaxnaTonwan, WatoPaxnaTun, WauPaTonwan, Wawasseasson, Wazeab, Wazia Wintcacta, Waziah, Waziya, Waziya Winchasta,WaziyamWincasta, WecheeaPpenah, Wesley, Western White Bear’s, White Buffalo’s, White Buttocks, White Dog’s, Whirlwind’s Wichawostaka’s, WichiYaBin, Wichi Yabina, WiciYaBina, Wijunjon’s, Winjunjan’s, Wild Bonaparte’s, WirciYaBin, Witikokan Society Wokpanbi, Woman’s, Wo’a See Cha’s, Wood Mountain Bands, Wooded Mountain Bands, Wooded Mountain People, Woods Assiniboin, Woods Band, Woods Nakoda, Woods People
- Xe’Bina, XeBina, Xe’NaTonwan, XeNaTonwan
- Yeskabe Nakoda, Yeskahbe Nakoda, Yetzkabi Indians, Yeux Gris’, Young Blackfoot’s, Young Dogs, Young Girl’s
- Stoney
- Stoney Bands
- Skinny Stoney’s Band
- Stoney Band
- Stone’s Band
- Stoney Indians
- Stony Indian
- Stony Indian Band # 142
- Stony Indian Band # 142B,
- Stony Indian Band # 143
- Stony Indian Band # 144
- Stony Indian Band # 144A
- Stoney Bands
- Birdtail Sioux, Dakota Plains, Dakota Tipi, Oak Lake, Oak River, Portage La Prairie I.R. # 8A, Moose Woods, Sioux Valley, Standing Buffalo