These real Kit Fox tails come threaded onto a ball chain. Tails average 9"-14" and are less bushy than the other kinds of fox tails we sell.
This item can be shipped internationally.
Some states and many countries have restrictions on importing at least some kinds of animal parts, so be sure to check with your local Customs Office or Department of Game to be sure this item can be imported to your country or state.
We are not responsible for items seized by Custom Agents or State Inspectors.
The Kit Fox is a small fox about a foot tall that lives mainly in the Mojave and Colorado deserts, although they also sometimes live in grasslands.
It's latin name is
Vulpes macrotis mutica. Vulpes is Latin for "fox" and for "cunning" (sly as a fox and all that...).
Macrotis refers to the fox's big ears = macro otus, and the subspecies name,
mutica, refers to the fox being not particularly vocal.
The kit fox is about 30 inches in length, with one third to one half of his length made up by the tail.