UNM Native American Heritage Festival


Last Updated: 7 years

Join the University of New Mexico’s celebration of Native American culture and heritage at the 52nd annual Nizhoni Days April 23-29. All events are free and open to the pulbic.

The festivities open on Monday, April 23 with an all day Native American Film Makers Showcase beginning at 10 AM and the Miss Indian UNM pageant at 6 PM in Student Union building ballroom C.

Other events include:


    • the Indigenous Nations Library Program lecture series featuring musician, activist and entrepreneur Tom Bee at Noon and 3 PM on Tuesday, April 24
    • “Weaving Worlds” by Bennie Klain, a film premiere in SUB ballroom C at 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 26. The film explores personal stories of Navajo weavers and their relationships with reservation traders
    • The Native Xperience Concert will begin at 6 p.m. Friday in SUB ballroom C. Besides musical performances, the night will feature the documentary “When Your Hands Are Tied”
  • Sin Fronteras Film Festival beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday at City on the Hill Theatre, 3007 Central Ave. NE
  • Native Xperience in SUB ballroom C at 6 PM on Friday, April 27; and the Sin Fronteras Film Festival.
  • Capping off the weeks’ events is the Nizhoni Days Honoring our Alumni Pow Wow on Johnson Field, starting at Noon on Sunday, April 29.

“Nizhoni Days is a celebration of Native thought and presence on and off the UNM campus and of Native American culture both traditional and contemporary,” said Kellen Shelendewa, president of UNM’s Kiva Club. “Nizhoni, a Diné (Navajo) word meaning beautiful, exemplifies what the week represents.”

Sponsored and organized by the Kiva Club since the 1950s, Nizhoni Days demonstrate the wealth of Native American achievements in the arts, activism, politics, academics and culture.

For more information contact kiva@unm.edu or phone 277-7236.