South Dakota Indian Reservations


Last Updated: 11 years

South Dakota Indian Reservations

Reservation: Crow Creek and Old Winnebago
Tribes: Lower Yanktonai, Lower Brulé, Miniconjou, and Two Kettle (Oohenonpa) Sioux.
Acres: 111,711
Established by: Order of department, July 1, 1863; treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (xv, 635); and Executive order, Feb. 27, 1885, annulled by the President’s proclamation of Apr. 17, 1885; act of Mar. 2, 1889 (xxv, 888): President’s proclamation of Feb. 10, 1890 (xxvi, 1554). There have been allotted to 840 Indians 172,733.81 acres, and reserved for agency, school, and religions purposes 1,076.90 acres, leaving a residue of 111,711 acres. Lands are now in process of allotment.


Reservation: Lake Traverse
Tribes: Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux
Established by: Treaty of Feb. 19, 1867 (xv, 505); agreement of Sept. 20, 1872, confirmed in Indian appropriation act approved June 22, 1874 (xviii, 167); agreement of Dec. 12, 1889, ratified by act of Mar. 3, 1891 (xxvi, 1035-1038). 309,904.92 acres were allotted to 1,339 Indians, 32,840.25 acres reserved for school purposes, 1,347.01 acres for church and agency purposes, and the residue, 574,678.40 acres, was opened to settlement by the President’s proclamation of Apr. 11, 1892 (xxvii, 1017).

Reservation: Cheyenne River
Tribes: Blackfeet (Sihasapa), Miniconjou, Sans Arcs, and Two Kettle (Oohenonpa) Sioux
Acres: 2,547,209
Established by: Treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (xv, 630); Executive orders, Jan. 11, Mar. 16, and May 20, 1875, and Nov. 28, 1876; agreement, ratified by act of Feb. 28, 1877 (xIx, 254); Executive orders, Aug. 9, 1879, and Mar. 20, 1884; unratified agreement of Oct. 17,1882. (For modification see sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1883 (xxII, 624): for text see Misc. Indian Does. xiv, 305). Act of Apr. 30, 1888 (xxv, 94), not accepted. Act of Mar. 2, 1889 (xxv, 888); President’s proclamation of Feb. 10, 1890 (xxvi, 1554); act of Feb. 20, 1896 (xxix, 10). President’s proclamations of Feb. 7, 1903 (xxxii, 2035), and Mar. 30, 1904 (XXXIII, 2340). 320,631.05 acres have been allotted to 934 Indians, leaving unallotted 2,547,208.95

Reservation: Lower Brulé
Tribes: Lower Brulé and Lower Yanktonai Sioux
Acres: 199,730
Established by: Treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (xv, 630); Executive orders, Jan. 11, Mar. 16, and May 20, 1875, and Nov. 28, 1876; agreement, ratified by act of Feb. 28, 1877 (xIx, 254); Executive orders, Aug. 9, 1879, and Mar. 20, 1884; Unratified agreement of Oct. 17,1882. (For modification see sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1883 (xxII, 624): for text see Misc. Indian Docs. xiv, 305). Act of Apr. 30, 1888 (xxv, 94), not accepted. Act of Mar. 2, 1889 (xxv, 888); President’s proclamation of Feb. 10, 1890 (xxvi, 1554); act of Feb. 20, 1896 (xxIx,10); agreement made Mar. 1, 1898, ratified by act of Mar. 3,1899 (xxx, 1362), ceding 120,000 acres to the United States. 151,856 acres were allotted to 555 Indians, and 964.06 acres reserved for agency, school, and religious purposes, leaving unallotted and unreserved 199,729.94 acres. See act of Apr.21, 1906 (xxxiv, 124), and President’s proclamation of Aug. 12, 1907.

Reservation: Pine Ridge
Tribes: Brulé and Oglaha Sioux, Northern Cheyenne
Acres: 1,943,121
Established by: Treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (xv, 630); Executive orders, Jan. 11, Mar. 16, and May 20, 1875, and Nov. 28, 1876; agreement, ratified by act of Feb. 28, 1877 (xIx, 254); Executive orders, Aug. 9, 1879, and Mar. 20, 1884; Unratified agreement of Oct. 17,1882. (For modification see sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1883 (xxII, 624): for text see Misc. Indian Docs. xiv, 305). Act of Apr. 30, 1888 (xxv, 94), not accepted. Act of Mar. 2, 1889 (xxv, 888); President’s proclamation of Feb. 10, 1890 (xxvi, 1554); act of Feb. 20, 1896 (xxIx,10); A tract of 32,000 acres in Nebraska was set apart by Executive order of Jan. 24, 1882, and was restored to the public domain by Executive order of Jan. 25, 1904, and by Executive order of Feb. 20,1904, 610 acres of this land were set apart for Indian school purposes, constituting the Sioux additional tract. (See Nebraska.) Under act of Mar. 2,1889 (xxv,888), and authority of President of July 29,1904, 854,989.51 acres have been allotted to 2,604 Indians, and 11,333.68 acres reserved for agency school, and church purposes, aggregating 866,323.19 acres, leaving unallotted and unreserved 1,943,120.74 acres. Lands in process of allotment.

Reservation: Rosebud
Tribes: Loafer (Waglukhe), Miniconjou, Oglala, Two Kettle (Oohenonpa), Upper Brulé and Wahzhazhe Sioux
Acres: 1,524,210
Established by: Treaty of Apr. 29, 1868 (xv, 635); Executive orders, Jan. 11, Mar. 16, and May 20, 1875, and Nov. 28, 1876; agreement ratified by act of Feb. 28,1877 (xix, 254); Executive orders, Aug. 9,1879, and Mar. 20, 1884. Unratified agreement of Oct. 17,1882. (For modification see sundry civil appropriation act approved Mar. 3,1883, xxii, 624; for text see Misc. Indian Docs., xiv, 305.) Act of Apr. 30,1888 (xxv, 94) not accepted. Act of Mar. 2, 1889, xxv, 888). President’s proclamation of Feb 10, 1890 (xxvi,1554). (See act of Feb.20,1896, xxix,10. 1,258,558.35 acres allotted to 4,914 Sioux Indians. 416,000 acres opened to settlement, 29,392.01 acres reserved for Government purposes, churches, cemeteries, etc. The residue, 1,524,209.64 acres, unallotted and unreserved. Lands now in process of allotment. Agreement made Mar. 10,1898, ratified by act of Mar. 3,1899 (xxx,1364). Act of April 23,1904 (xxxiii, 254) ratifying agreement made Sept. 14, 1901. President’s proclamation of May 16, 1904 (xxxiiI, 2354).

Reservation: Yankton
Tribes: Yankton Sioux
Established by: Treaty of Apr. 19,1858 (xi, 744). 268,567.72 acres were allotted to 2,649 Indians, and 1,252.89 acres reserved for agency, church, and school purposes, pursuant to an agreement made Dec. 31, 1892, ratified by act of Congress approved Aug. 15,1894 (xxvII, 314); the residue was opened to settlement by the President’s proclamation of May 16,1895 (xxIx, 865).



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