Sinkyone Indians


Last Updated: 4 years

The Sinkyone Indians were one of the tribes of the southern California group of the Athapascan family.

Sinkyone Indians. From Sinkyo, the name of the South Fork of Eel River.


On the South Fork of Eel River and its branches and the adjacent coast from near Four Mile Creek to Usal Lagoon.

Land Areas (Given by native informants to Nomland (1935) instead of villages)

Anse’ntakuk, the land south of Briceland.
Chashinguk, the ridge north of Briceland.
Senke’kuk, to the South Fork from Garberville.
Shusashish’ha, the region north of Garberville.
Totro’be, the land around Briceland.
Yenekuk, an area southeast of Briceland.
Yese’, coast area to the Mattole boundary at Four Mile Creek.
Yese’kuk, the Mattole River area.


(See Lassik and Bear River Indians).