Connecticut‎ Indian Reservations


Last Updated: 11 years There were once 13 different tribes who roamed the lands we now call Connecticut. The name of this state comes from the Indian word Quinnehtukqut meaning “beside the long tidal river.” There were once nine indian reservations in Connecticut. Today, there are two state recognized indian reservations.

Corun Hill Reservation (1680 in Huntington)

  • Eastern Pequot Reservation
  • Golden Hill Reservation (1650’s near Statford)
  • Mashantucker Reservation (State, 1667 for Western Pequot’s)
  • Mohegan Indian Reservation
  • Paucatuch Reservation (Eastern Pequot)
  • Pequot Reservation (State, Tribes: Pequot and Mohegan in Fairfield and New London Counties)
  • Schaghticoke Reservation (near Kent)
  • Turkey Hill Reservation (1674)