native american school grants


Last Updated: 4 years

There are many native american school grants available for native american tribal members. Here are some places to start looking for help.

Many colleges and universities offer native american school grants

Many schools offer free tuition, room and board to Native American students, especially full-blooded Native American students. Be sure to ask each school you are considering what incentives they offer to encourage Native American students to enroll. There may also be special awards for students minoring in Native American studies.

For example, Native American students who attend any state school in Montana will qualify for a fee waiver if they are Montana residents, at least 1/4 Indian blood quantum, and have financial need. The fee waiver includes tuition and a $30 administrative fee, but not approximately $235 in other fees.

Daughters of the American Revolution has an American Indian Scholarship Fund

The Daughters of the American Revolution American Indian Scholarship Fund typically awards $500 scholarships to Native American students all across the country. Deadlines are August 1 for the fall and November 1 for the spring. For more information, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Ms. Mary Barnett, Rt. 3, Box 530, Cynthiana, KY 41031.

All Nations AMP native american school grants

The goal of the All Nations Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics is to double the number of Native Americans graduating with Bachelor degrees in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology.

You can find more information on this at Alabama AMP, Arizona State University HyperAMP and HyperAid, California AMP, Chicago AMP, New Mexico AMP, Oklahoma AMP, Puerto Rico AMP, and Texas AMP.

American Indian College Fund native american school grants

The American Indian College Fund provides grants to students at Native American colleges. For more information, call 1-800-776-FUND or 1-303-892-8312, fax 1-303-572-0650, or write to American Indian College Fund, 1111 Osage Street, Building D, Suite 205A, Denver, CO 80204 (or American Indian College Fund, Dept PN, 21 West 68th Street, New York, NY 10023), or send email to

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) provides native american school grants for teachers

AISES has long been the frontrunner in Native American education and issues. Check out the AISES Scholarship Programs page and the AISES Circle of Life Essay Program for high school students.

For information about the Polingaysi Qoyawayma Scholarship (for graduate students who are going on to teach in math or science), call 1-303-492-8658 or write to AISES, 1630 30th Street, Suite 301, Boulder, CO 80301-1014.

Indian Resource Development (IRD) publishes a booklet of sources for native american school grants

New Mexico State University’s IRD publishes a booklet entitled Sources of Financial Aid Available to American Indian Students. The booklet is free to New Mexico students and $4 for students from other states.

IRD also administers a USDA Agricultural Statistics scholarship for Native American students majoring in agriculture, mathematics, computer science, or statistics.

For more information, call 1-505-646-1347, fax 1-505-646-7740, write to Indian Resource Development, Box 30001, Department 3IRD, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, or send email to