Native American commercial targets Washington Redskins


Last Updated: 10 years

With over a million views on YouTube, a controversial commercial will soon be seen by millions more during Tuesday night’s NBA Finals game.

Produced by Native Americans, the commercial calls for an NFL mascot change.

The commercial has been around for a few months.

According to the National Congress of American Indians YouTube page the NFL would not air the commercial.

The commercial is powerful to watch. It is full of Native American history and inspiration.

The commercial ends with a big message stating there is one thing Native Americans do not call themselves. That line is followed by a picture of a Washington Redskins football helmet.

Scott Starr, a member of the Cherokee Nation, said, “This is, it’s a big step.”

Starr says while he is not directly offended by the mascot he knows many who are.

Starr said, “I did some research into the origins. It was not meant as a racial slur but it was not meant as an honor either.”

Richard Ray Whittman said, “If they understood the real true meaning of the term ‘Redskin’ they would readily reject this.”

Whittman is a Native American artist who says the term is highly offensive.

Whittman said, “It’s not a reference to us having red skin. We’re brown skined people.”

He said, “The term ‘Redskin’ was the bounty, the evidence you had scalped or took the skin of a man, woman, or child, from a murdered Native American.” The Red refers to the spilt blood.

Both men are hoping those who see the ad will understand why Native Americans find the mascot so offensive.

Starr said, “I think it will make a difference.”

It is reported the commercial will not air nationwide, but only in a few select cities. Oklahoma City is not one of them.