Montana Indian Reservations


Last Updated: 4 years

Montana has seven indian reservations.


Montana Indian Reservations

Montana Indian Reservations Map

Reservation: Blackfeet Reservation
Tribes: Blackfeet (Siksika), Blood (Kainah), Piegan
Acres: 959,644
Established by: Treaty of Oct. 17, 1855 (XI, 657); unratified treaties of July 18, 1866, and July 13 and 15 and Sept. 1, 1868; Executive orders, July 5, 1873, and Aug. 19,1874; act of Apr. 15, 1874 (XVIII, 28)Executive orders, Apr.13, 1875, and .July 13, 1850, agreement made Feb. 11, 1887, approved by Congress, May 1, 1888 (XXV, 1291; agreement made Sept. 26, 1895, approved by act of June 10, 1896 (XXIX, 353): act of Feb. 27.1906, confirming grant of 356.11 acres, and 120 acres of unsurveyed land. (See XXXIII, 816.) Lands now in process of allotment.

Reservation: Crow Reservation
Tribes: Mountain and River Crow
Acres: 1,844,182
Established by: Treaty of May 7, 1868 (XV, 619); agreement made June 12, 1880, and approved by Congress Apr. 11, 1882 (XXII, 42); agreement made Aug. 22, 1881, approved by Congress July 10, 1882 (XXII, 157); Executive orders, Oct. 20, 1875, Mar. 8, 1876, Dec. 7, 1886; agreement made Dec. 8, 1890, ratified and confirmed in Indian appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1891 (XXIV, 1039-1040); agreement made Aug. 27, 1892. (See Ind. Aff. Rep., 1892, p. 748; also President’s proclamation, Oct. 15, 1892. XXVII, 1034.) Act of Apr. 27, 1904 (XXXIII, 352), to amend and ratify agreement of Aug. 14, 1899. Under act of Feb. 8,1887 (XXIV, 388), and act of Feb. 28, 1891, (XXVI, 794), and Executive order. June 8,1901 (modifying Executive order of Mar. 25, 1901 ), 447,914.90 acres have been allotted to 2,272 Indians, and 1,822.61 acres reserved for administration, church, and cemetery purposes, leaving unallotted and unreserved 1,844,182.49 acres, and 14,711.96 acres on ceded part have been allotted to 81 Indians.

Reservation: Flathead Indian Reservation (formerly Jocko Reservation)
Tribes: Bitterroot Salish, Upper Pend d’Oreille, Carlos band, Lower Kalispel,and the Kutenai. “Confederated Salish” refers to both the Salish and Pend d’Oreille tribes. The Salish have often been referred to as “Flatheads,” but this name is a misnomer and, in actuality, there are no Flatheads.

Presently there are many Indian people from other tribes that live on the Flathead Reservation. Many are attending Salish Kootenai College or Kicking Horse Job Corps. Some have intermarried with tribal members and live among the community with their families. Both Salish Kootenai College and local K-12 public schools have identified over 40 different tribal nations represented within the student populations.
Acres: 1.317 million acres
Established by: Hellgate Treaty of July 16, 1855 (XII, 975). Under acts of Apr. 23, 1904 (XXIII, 302), Feb. 8, 1887 (XXIV, 388), and Feb. 28,1891(XXVI, 791), 2.378 Indians have been allotted 220,950.12 acres, and under act of Apr. 23, 1904, 2,524.70 acres have been reserved for tribal uses, and under act of Apr. 23, 1904, as amended by act of Mar. 3, 1905 (XXXIII, 1049-1080), 6,774.92 acres have been reserved for agency purposes, 4,977 acres for water power, etc., and 431.62 for town-site purposes, and 69,760 acres (approximately) were granted by the act of Apr. 23, 1904, to the State of Montana for school purposes, aggregating 305,418.36 acres, leaving unallotted and unreserved 1,128,181.64 acres. These lands, and the lands reserved for town site purposes, were, with the exception of timber lands, to be disposed of as provided for by section 8 of the act of Apr. 23, 1904 (XXXIII, 302).

With the passing of the Allotment Act (Dawes Act) of 1887, and the subsequent Homestead Act that opened the reservation to non-Indians in 1910, the tribes became the minority landowners on their own reservation.

Reservation: Fort Belknap
Tribes: Grosventres (Atsina) Assiniboin
Acres: 497,600
Established by: Treaty of Oct. 17, 1855 (XI, 657); unratified treaties of July 18, 1866, and July 13, and 15 and Sept. 1, 1868; Executive orders, July 5, 1873, and Aug. 19,1874; act of Apr. 15, 1874 (XVIII, 28)Executive orders, Apr. 13, 1875, and July 13,1880; agreement made Jan. 21, 1887, approved by Congress May 1, 1888 (XXV, 124); agreement made Oct. 9, 1895, approved by act of June 10, 1896 (XXIX, 350).

Reservation: Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Tribes: Assiniboin, Brulé Sioux, Santee, Teton, Hunkpapa and Yanktonai Sioux
Acres: 1,766,000
Established by: Treaty of Oct. 17, 1855 (XI, 657); unratified treaties of July 18, 1866, and July 13, and 15 and Sept. 1, 1868; Executive orders, July 5, 1873, and Aug. 19,1874; act of Apr. 15, 1874 (XVIII, 28)Executive orders, Apr. 13, 1875, and July 13,1880; agreement made Jan. 21, 1887, approved by Congress May 1, 1888 (XXV, 124); agreement made Dec. 28, 1886, approved by Congress may 1, 1888 (XXV, 113).

Reservation: Northern Cheyenne
Tribes: Northern Cheyenne
Acres: 489,500
Established by: Executive orders, Nov. 26, 1884, and Mar. 19 1900; act of Mar. 3, 1903 (XXXII, 1000).


Reservation: Rocky Boy Indian Reservation
Tribes: Chippewa-Cree
Established by: