Idaho Indian Reservations


Last Updated: 11 years

Nineteen different indian tribes either lived or  hunted in the state of Idaho. Today, there are four indian reservations in Idaho. There were two more that are no longer in existence.

Idaho Indian Reservations 

Reservation: Coeur d’Alene
Tribes: Coeur d’Oreille (Skitswish), Kutenai, Pend d’Oreille (Kalispel: not on res.), Spokan
Acres: 404,480
Established by: Executive orders, June 14, 1867, and Nov. 8, 1873; agreements made Mar. 26, 1887, and Sept. 9, 1889, and confirmed in Indian appropriation act approved Mar. 3, 1891 (XXVI. 1026-1029); agreement of Feb. 7, 1894, ratified by act of Aug. 15, 1894 (XXVIII, 322).


Reservation: Fort Hall
Tribes: Bannock, Shoshoni
Acres: 447,940
Established by: Treaty of July 3. 1868 (XV, 673); Executive orders, June 14, 1867, and July 30,1869; agreement made July 18, 1881, and approved by Congress July 3.1882 (XXII,148); acts of Sept. 1, 1888 (XXV. 452), Feb. 23, 1889 (XXV, 687), and Mar. 3, 1891 (XXVI, 1011): agreement made Feb. 5, 1898. ratified by act o June 6, 1900 (XXII, 672), ceding 416,060 acres, of which 6,172.44 have been allotted to 90 Indians; remainder of ceded tract opened to settlement June 17, 1902 (President’s proclamation of May 7, 1902, XXXII, 1997), act of Mar. 30, 1904 (XXXIII, 153).

Reservation: Lapwai
Tribes: Nez Percé
Established by: Treaty of June 9, 1863 (XIV, 617); agreement of May 27, 1887, ratified by act of Sept. 1, 1888 (XXV, 452); agreement of May 1, 1893, ratified by act of Aug. 15, 1894 (XXVIII, 326). 180,370.09 acres were allotted to 1,895 Indians, 2,170.47 acres reserved for agency, school, mission, and cemetery purposes, and 32,020 acres of timber land reserved for the tribe: the remainder opened to public settlement by President’s proclamation, Nov. 8, 1895 (XXIX, 873). Unratified treaty of Sept. 24, 1868; Executive order, Feb. 12, 1875; agreement of May 14. 11,80, ratified by act of Feb. 23,1889 (xxv, 6S7 1. (See 31 Stat. L., 335, and agreement executed Dec. 28, 1905, approved by President Jan. 27, 1906.)

Reservation: Lemhi
Tribes: Bannock, Sheepeater (Tukuarika), Shoshoni
Acres: 64,000
Established by: Unratified treaty of Sept. 24, 1868; Executive order, Feb. 12, 1875; agreement of May 14. 11,80, ratified by act of Feb. 23,1889 (XXV, 687). (See 34 Stat. L., 335, and agreement executed Dec. 28, 1905, approved by President Jan. 27, 1906.

Disbanned Reservations:
Fort Lemhi Reservation
Kootenai Reservation