Huchnom Indians


Last Updated: 7 years

The Huchnom belonged to the Yukian linguistic stock, though resembling the Porno somewhat more closely in culture.

Huchnom Indians. The name applied to this tribe by the Yuki and apparently by themselves; said to signify”mountain people.” Also called: Redwoods, a popular name. Ta’-tu, by the Porno of Potter Valley. Location. In the valley of South Eel River from Hullville nearly to its mouth, together with the valley of its affluent, Tornki Creek, and the lower course of the stream known as Deep or Outlet Creek. Villages:

  • Ba’awel, name in Porno; on South Eel River a couple of miles from Ukumna.
  • Hatupoka, on Tomki Creek below the village of Pukemul.
  • Komohmemut-kuyuk, on South Eel River between Lilko’ol and Mumemel.
  • Lilko’ol, on South Eel River between Ba’awel and the preceding. Mot, on South Eel River between Yek and Mupan.
  • Mot-kuyuk, on South Eel River at the mouth of Tomki Creek.
  • Mumemel, on South Eel River just below the forks at Hullville. Mupan, on South Eel River between Mot and Mot-kuyuk.
  • Nonhohou, on South Eel River between Shipomul and Yek. Pukemul, on Tomki Creek above the village of Hatupoka.
  • Shipomul, on South Eel River at the mouth of Outlet Creek.
  • Ukumna, near the head of the eastern source of Russian River. Yek, on South Eel River between Nonhohou and Mot.
  • There is one village of uncertain name and possibly Yuki on the headwaters of the South Fork of Eel River.

Population. The Huchnom were estimated at 500 in 1770 by Kroeber (1925); the census of 1910 returned 7 full-bloods and 8 half-breeds. (See Yuki.)