East Cree, Southern: native american language of Canada


Last Updated: 19 years


Quebec, southeastward from James Bay, inland to the height of land (watershed) east of Lake Mistissini. Coastal communities of Waskaganish, some speakers in Eastmain. Inland, in Mistissini, Waswanipi, Nemaska, and Ouje-Bougoumo.

Alternate names:

James Bay Cree Southern Dialect, Eastern James Bay Cree Southern Dialect


Palatalized y-dialect within Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi language complex or dialect cluster. Sometimes classified as Montagnais.


Algic -> Algonquian -> Central -> Cree-Montagnais-Naskapi -> East Cree, Southern


7,306 (1997 Quebec Ministere de la Sante et des Services Sociaux).

Language use:

Vigorous. All domains. Speakers also use English.

Language development:

Literacy rate in first language: 15% to 20%. Literacy rate in second language: 50%. Language of instruction in lower grades, taught as a subject in upper grades.