Dakubetede Indians


Last Updated: 7 years

The Dakubetede were an Athapascan tribe of Oregon which extended slightly beyond the northern border of California. The Dakubetede belonged to the Athapascan linguistic stock, using a dialect identical with that of the Taltushtuntude.


Dakubetede Indians. Own name, significance unknown.

Also called:

  • Applegate River Indians, from their habitat.
  • Nǐ’ckitc hītclûm, Alsea name, meaning “people far up the stream.”
  • Ts’û-qûs-li’-gwûût-me’ tunne, Naltûnnetûnne name

Dakubetede Location. On Applegate River. Dakubetede

Population. Mooney (1928) estimates the Dakubetede, the Nahankhotane (part of the Umpqua), the Taltushtuntude, and the Umpqua to have numbered 3,200 in 1780. They are nowhere separately enumerated. (See Chastacosta Indians)