Extinct Tribes M

Extinct Tribes, Forgotten Names, or Alternate Names of North American Indians

An alphabetical list of extinct native american indian tribes of the United States starting with M.

Each tribal profile explains who they were, where they lived, how they lived, an account of first contact with Europeans, population if known, and a brief explanation of what happed to them.

Links to tribal profile pages are at the bottom of the page.


A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-J | K | L | MN | O | P-Q |  R-S |  T-V | W-Z 

Believed to be Extinct or Absorbed Into Other Tribes




Possibly Extinct? Some May be Canadian tribes? Or Alternate Names?

MACHAPUNGAS, in N. Carolina in 1700; practiced circumcision.

MANDANs, 1,250 in 1805, 1200 m. fm. mouth of Miisso. 1838 reduced to 21 ands, pox.

MANGOAGS, or TUTELOES, (Iroquois,) Nottoway River, formerly, now extinct.

MANHATTANS, (Mohicans,) once on the island where New York city now stands.

MANNAHOAKS, once on the upper waters of the Rappahannock r.; extinct long ago.

MARACHITES, (Abenakies,) on the St. John’s ; a remnant remains.

MARSAPEAGUES mice on Long Island, S, side of Oyster Bay; extinct.

MARSHPEES, (Wampanoags,) 315 in 18:32; Barnstable Co. Mas. mixed with blacks.

MASCOUTINS, or FIRE, IND., betw. Mississ. and L. Michigan, 1665; (Sacs and Foxes?)

MASSACHUSETTS, the state perpetuates their name.

MASSAWOMES (Iroquois,) once spread over Kentucky.

MATHLASOBS, 500 in 1820, on an island in the mouth of Wallaumut River, W. R. MAYES, 600 in 1805, St. Gabriel Creek, mouth of Guadaloupe River, Louisiana.

MENOMINIES, (Algonkins,) once on Illinois r. ; now 300 W. Mississippi.

MESSASSAGNES, 2,000 in 1764, N. of, and adjacent to, L. Huron and Superior.

MIAMIS, (Algonkins,) once on the r. of their name; now 1,500, beyond the Mississ.

MIKASAUKIES, (Seminoles,) about 1,000 in 1821 ; very warlike.

MIKMAKS, (Algonkius,) 3,000 in 1760, in Nova Scotia ; the Suriquois of the French.

MIKSUKSEALTON, (Tushepaha,) 300 in 1820, Clark’s River, above great falls, W. R.

MINETARES, 2,500 in 1805, 5 m. above the Mandans, on both sides Knife River.

MINDAWARCARTON, in 1805, on both sides Mississippi, from St. Peter’s upward.

MINGOES, once such of the Iroquois were so called as resided upon the Scioto River. MINSI, Wolf tribe of the Lenna Lenape, once over New Jersey and part of Penn.

MISSOURIES, once on that part of the River just below Grand r., in 1820.

MITCHIGAMIES, one of the five tribes of the Illinois ; location uncertain.

MOHAWKS, head of Five Nations ; formerly on Mohawk r. ; a few now in Canada.

MOHEGANS, or MOHEAKUNNUKS, in 1610, Hudson r. from Esopus to Albany.

MONACANS, (Tuscaroras,) once near where Richmond, Virginia, now is.

MONGOULATCIIES, on the W. side of the Mississippi. See BAYAGOULAS.

MONTAGNES, (Algonkins,) N. side St. Law., betw. Saguenay and Tadousac, in 1609.

MONTAUKS, on E. end of Long Island, formerly ; head of 13 tribes of that island.

MORATOKS, 80 in 1607; 40 in 1669, in Lancaster and Richmond counties, Virginia.

MOSQUITOS, once a numerous race on the E. side of the Isthmus of Darien.

MULTNOMAHS, (Wappatoo,) 800 in 1820, mouth of Multnomah River, W. R.

MUNSEYS, (Delawares,) in 1780, N. branch Susquehannah r. ; to the Wabash in 1808.

MUSKOGEES, 17,000 in 1775, on Alabama and Apalachicola Rivers. See B. iv.


Article Index:

Mississippi Mound Builders

Mississippi Mound Builders were not limited to just the Mississippi River Valley. Ancient civilizations built mounds in a large area from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains, but the greatest concentrations of mounds are found in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys.

These included societies in the Archaic, and Woodland period, and Mississippian period.

These Pre-Columbian mounds have been dated from roughly 3000 BCE to the 1500s, and most of these cultures lived in the Great Lakes region, the Ohio River region, and the Mississippi River region. However, there were also mound building cultures as far away as Florida.

Once it was thought all the mounds were built by one great ancient civilization. We now know that many different cultures contributed to the ancient mounds found on the North American continent.