Extinct Tribes L

Extinct Tribes, Forgotten Names, or Alternate Names of North American Indians

An alphabetical list of extinct native american indian tribes of the United States L.

Each tribal profile explains who they were, where they lived, how they lived, an account of first contact with Europeans, population if known, and a brief explanation of what happed to them.

Links to tribal profile pages are at the bottom of the page.


A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-J | K | L | MN | O | P-Q |  R-S |  T-V | W-Z 

Believed to be Extinct or Absorbed Into Other Tribes




Possibly Extinct? Some May be Canadian tribes? Or Alternate Names?

LAHANNA, 2,000 in 1820, both sides Columbia, above the mouth of Clark’s River.

Lake Atsugewi – Alternate names: Apwarukei, Hat Creek people, Wamari’i

LAPANNE, See APACHES. LARTIELO, 600 in 1820, at the falls of Lastaw River, below Wayton Lake

LEAF, (Sioux,) 600 in 1820, on the Missouri, above Prairie du Chien.

LEECH RIVER, about 350 in 1820, near Sandy Lake, lat. 46° 9′ N.

LENNA LENAPE, once from Hudson to Delaware River; now scattered in the West.

LIPANIS, 800 in 1816, from Rio Grande to the interior of Texas; light hair.

LOUCHEUX, next N. of the Esquimaux, or S. of lat. 67° 15′ N.

LUKAWIS, 830 in 1820, W. of the Rocky Mountains; abode unknown.

LUKKARSO, 1,200 in 1820, coast of Pacific, S. of Columbia r. beyond the Shallalah.

LUKTONS, 20 in 1820, W. of the Rocky Mountains; abode unknown.