Black Choctaws adopted through the Dawes Commission


Last Updated: 20 years

Note that many of these names appear in other Indian nation lists, and their appearance here does not provide proof of Black Indian Ancestry.

In addition to these items, it is recommended that the researcher obtain as much oral history as possible on the family, and then locate the Dawes records on the family, including the names of ancestors on the Enrollment Cards and other pertinent records. 

This list of Black Choctaws represents the Choctaw freedmen from Oklahoma, and does not represent persons from among the Mississippi Choctaws.

A Coleman Harrison McChristian Roebuck
Abbott Colly Harvey McClendon Rogers
Abram Conard Hatley McCloud Rose
Adams Cook Hawkins McCoy Ross
Adamson Cotton Haywood McCurtain Russell
Ainsworth Cox Henderson McDaniel
Alberson Craig Henry McDonald S
Alexander Cravens Hester McGee Sakki
Allen Crawford Hicks McGilbry Sams
Anderson Cris Hill McGuire Samuels
Arnold Crittendon Hilliard McKee Sandridge
Askew Crooms Hills McKinley Scott
Austin Croons Hines McNeill Seely
Crutchfield Hodges McQuilla Sell
B Cubit Hogan Meadows Severe
Bagley Culver Holford McKinney Sexton
Bailey Cunford Hollaway Meggs Shaw
Banks Hollin Meighbors Shelby
Barber D Holt Merritts Shelton
Bardner Dana Homer Miles Shephard
Barley Dangerfield Hoppy Miller Shield
Barr Daniels Horn Mills Shields
Barrett Daugherty Hornback Milton Shirley
Barrows Davis Horton Minner Shoals
Bary Demps Hotchkins Mitchell Sholes
Bassett Demus Hotchkiss Moore Short
Battie Dizer Howell Moors Sifax
Battiece Dockins Hughes Morgan Simmons
Battiest Dodd Humdy Morotn Simpson
Beams Dodson Humes Moses Sims
Bearden Donegay Humphrey Mosley Sindham
Beavers Douglas Hunter Moss Smallwood
Beckwith Douglass Hutchins Munn Smith
Beeson Duckett Hutchison Murchison Spencer
Belcher Dumas Hyatt Murphy Spring
Bell Duncan Murray Stakohaka
Belvin Durant I Musgrove Stanley
Benson Ingram Star
Bibbs E Irving N Starly
Bidden Eastman Nail Starr
Biggs Easton J Nash Stephenson
Binks Edd Jackson Neal Stevenson
Bird Edwards Jacob Neioll Stewart
Birdsong Eights Jamerson Nelson Striblin
Blackwater Ellis James Newberry Stribling
Blair Ellison Jeater Newton Stubblefield
Bledsoe Elridge Jeffers Nolan Suton
Blocker Epps Jefferson Noland Sutton
Blue Ervin Jeffries Nolen
Blunt Eubanks Jeter Norman T
Boatwright Evans John Norris Taylor
Boldin Everidge Johnson Nourvle Teel
Bolding Evrett Johnston Nunley Thomas
Bonham Ewing Jolly Nunnally Thompson
Bordon Ewings Jones Nunnely Thurman
Bowers Jordon Timpson
Boyd F Joseph O Tinkshell
Boyles Factory Judy Oats Tis
Brack Farris Justice Oliver Titus
Bradley Featherspoon Osborn Triplett
Brady Featherston K Oscar Tucker
Brasco Ferguson Keel Overton Turner
Brashears Fields Keith Owens Tyler
Brewer Finley Kemp Owles Tyner
Briggs Fisher Kendrick Tyson
Briley Flack Kendricks P
Brown Fleeks Kincade Paris V
Bruce Flint King Parish Valliant
Brumley Floyd Kingsbury Parker Vaughn
Bruner Folsom Kirk Parkins Vinson
Bryant Foreman Partilla Virgil
Buckman Franklin L Patterson Voryd
Buckner Frazier Larkin Patton
Buffington Freeman Last Payton W
Bulger Freeney Lathers Pearson Wade
Burks Freeny Lawrence Pendleton Wagoner
Burris French Lawson Perry Waldron
Burton Fullbright Lee Phelps Walford
Busby Fulsom Leflore Phillips Walker
Butler LeFlore Pickens Walls
Byrd G Leftridge Pierce Walter
Gables Lenox Pitchlynn Walton
C Gaffney Leppord Pitner Walzer
Caephus Galbert Lewis Poleon Ward
Cahill Galloway Liggins Powell Ware
Cain Gant Lison Pratt Warner
Campbell Garland Littlejohn Price Warren
Carney Gay Livingsyton Prince Warrior
Carr Gibson Logan Pryor Washington
Carroll Gidden Looney Pulcher Waters
Carson Givens Love Purdy Watson
Carter Glover Lovelace Pursley Webb
Caruthers Gooding Low Welch
Cass Goodlow Lowery R West
Cennis Graham Lownen Radford Whitaker
Chalk Graham Lynch Railback Whitby
Chambers Graves Read White
Chandler Gray M Rechardson Wilburn
Chapman Grayson Mabry Record Wilkins
Charry Green Mackey Rector Williams
Chatman Greenwood Mahardy Reddick Willis
Cheadle Greer Mann Reed Wilson
Chester Gross Mackey Reeder Wimbley
Chilton Grundy Manning Reeves Wine
Chism Guess Mansfield Rentie Woods
Choate Guest Mat-ub-bee Reynolds Wooter
Christian Maturby Rice Worthen
Clark H Maupin Richards Wright
Clay Haley Maxwell Riddle
Clayton Halford May Ridge Y
Cleveland Hall Mayes Riffington Yocubby
Cochran Hampton Mays Riley Young
Cohee Hardlan Maytubbe Riston
Cohes Harkins Maytuby Roberts
Colbert Harnage McAfee Robinson
Cole Harris McCarty Roby