Anishnawbe Four Directions Song


Last Updated: 5 years

Lyrics and English translation of Anishnawbe Four Directions Song. The video lyrics are in the native language.


“Wabano Giiwaabimaa Anishnawbe Shawinoong Giiwaabimaa Anishnawbe Nengabiiwwinoong Giiwaabimaa Anishnawbe Kiiwaytinoong Giiwaabimaa Anishnawbe Gizhi Manitou Giiwaabimaa Anishnawbe”

English Translation:

Eastern door is watching the people that have landed
Southern door is watching the people that have landed
Western door is watching the people that have landed
Northern door is watching the people that have landed
Creator is watching the people that have landed.

Anishnawbe Four Directions Song: