Angel DeCora Dietz, Winnebago(1871-1919)


Last Updated: 20 years

Angel DeCora Dietz

Born in 1871 on the Winnebago reservation in Nebraska, Angel DeCora Dietz was influential in shaping of Indian art and affairs in the early years of the 20th century.Angel DeCora Dietz graduated from the Hampton Institute in 1891 and studied art at Smith College, the Drexel Institute and at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Busy as an artist and illustrator of books, Angel DeCora Dietz also spent much time lecturing on the problems confronting Native Americans. She became the head of the art department at the Carlisle Indian School and with her husband, the Sioux teacher William Dietz, became active in Indian affairs, eventually meeting with President Theodore Roosevelt to discuss the concerns of Native Americans.

Angel DeCora Dietz died in the great flu epidemic of 1919.