In 2000, according to the U.S. Census, there were 220,657 American Indians living in California, for those designating only one race, and excluding Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians in California. California had the second-largest Native American population of any state, second only to Oklahoma.
Most of the American Indians in California are native California Indians, while many other Indians have come from other states either through relocation by the United States government or for employment purposes. There are over 100 federally-recognized Indian tribes in California, and almost 100 Federal Indian reservations in the state, with about 40 Indian groups seeking to gain federal recognition.
Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the native peoples of California lived in all areas of the state. There was no "empty" land, as long as that land could support human life. Nowhere else in the United States is there such a variety of cultures and languages spoken.
California Indians have dozens of languages and dialects from six major language families: Hokan, Penutian, Algonkian, Athabascan, Uto-Aztecan (Shoshonean), and Yukian.
Athabascan Family
Oregon Group
1a. Rogue River
Tolowa Group
1b. Tolowa.
Hupa Group
1c. Hupa
1d. Whilkut
Matole Group
1e. Matole
Wailaki Group
1f. Nongatl
1g. Lassik
1h. Shelter Cove Sinkyone
1i. Lolangkok Sinkyone
1j. Eel River Wailaki
1k. Pitch Wailaki
1l. North Fork Wailaki
1m. Kato
Dialect Groups
16a. Northern (Wintu)
16b. Central (Nomlaki)
16c. Hill (Patwin)
16d. River (Patwin)
Dialect Groups
17a. Northeastern
17b. Northwestern
17c. Southern (Nisenan)
18a. Coast
18b. Lake
18c. Bay (Saclan)
18d. Plains
18e. Northern Sierra
18f. Central Sierra
18g. Southern Sierra
19a. San Pablo (Karkin)
19b. San Francisco
19c. Santa Clara
19d. Santa Cruz
19e. San Juan Bautista (Mutsun)
19f. Rumsen (Monterey)
19g. Soledad
Dialect Groups
20a. Northern Valley (Chulamni, Chauchila, etc.)
20b. Southern Valley (Tachi, Yauelmani, etc.)
20c. Northern Hill (Chukchansi, etc.)
20d. Kings River (Chionimni, etc.)
20e. Tule-Kaweah (Yaudanchi, etc.)
20f. Poso Creek (Paleuyamni)
20g. Buena Vista (Tulamni, etc.)
20h. Modoc
Uto-Aztekan (Shoshonean) Family
Plateau Branch
Mono-Bannock Group
21a. Northern Paiute (Paviotso)
21b. Owens Valley Paiute
21c. Mono Lake Paiute
21d. Monache (Western Mono)
Shoshoni-Comanche Group
21e. Panamint Shoshone (Koso)
Ute-Chemehuevi Group
21f, Chemehuevi (Southern Paiute)
21g. Kawaiisu (Tecachapi)
Siberian language may be related to Nadene languages
A remote population of a few hundred indigenous Siberians who live thousands of miles west of Alaska speak a language that appears to be an ancient relative of more than three dozen Native languages.